:power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride:


  • d_cagno [he/him]
    2 years ago

    God, that photo is a perfect encapsulation of liberal thought. The out-of-focus vice presidential seal framing Kamala like a halo. It's not enough even to portray a politician as a hero, they must be a saint to be worshipped, and their persecution likened to martyrdom.

    • MaoistLandlord [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Biden already had two falls. One more and then he’ll be sacrificed on the cross :biden-fall: