:power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride: :power-stride:
God, that photo is a perfect encapsulation of liberal thought. The out-of-focus vice presidential seal framing Kamala like a halo. It's not enough even to portray a politician as a hero, they must be a saint to be worshipped, and their persecution likened to martyrdom.
Biden already had two falls. One more and then he’ll be sacrificed on the cross :biden-fall:
Love my 800 word hagiography in the paper of record that took two weeks to notice a massive train derailment explosion behind a Chinese weather balloon.
Through public-private partnerships, she helped raise over $4.2 billion to address the root cause of migration from Central America.
The absolute state of Dem politics. Public-private partnerships. Weird backhanded xenophobia. Vague egalitarian gloss. This is thrown in without any context for what they think the “root cause” is. For dorks like me who click through to the article it’s a press release that just basically says that exact sentence over and over again lol.
The root cause is poverty, sanctions, and cartels. This shit’s been known for decades now
lol, as far as I can tell the :volcel-kamala: emoji is the single thing of value she has added as VP
Democracy is when you're second in line to be president despite receiving no support at all from anyone in the primary.
:data-laughing: Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder. :michael-laugh:
Yeah, he was a great gateway for getting people to look closer into south american politics in particular and seemed like a good dude.
Need the J. Jonah Jameson reaction for this one.
I love JJJ. I have a soft spot for complete assholes in fiction.
According to the article the following proof of the excellence of Kamala Harris...
Kamala has cast tie-breaking votes in the senate.
She has gone abroad and met world leaders.
She is a co-leader of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment and she goes to meetings, etc.
She has more experience in elected office than several past presidents and vice presidents. This experience started in in 2004 as San Francisco district attorney.
She has faced challenges as a groundbreaker her whole career.
the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment
Every major strike action has been broken with Dem influence since "Union" Joe got in office:agony-shivering:
sorry photographer, there isn't any pose into which you can forcibly contort a cryptid that will fool us into thinking it isn't a cryptid
It is always funny that Kamala in Finnish means "horrible".