• BatCountryMusicFan [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Nah. Capitalism is the ocean we all live in but we don't all live at the same point in the water column.

      Think of it like this: Marx once compared independent farmers to "potatoes in a sack" because each farm can be mostly self-sufficient, which means they only have the flimsiest interests in common. Cut the sack, resolve those interests, and they all fall apart.

      Today most Americans are even more atomized than those farmer potatoes. Most of us aren't in unions, work in either precarious gig jobs or in inhetently individualistic office cultures, are catered to with personalized entertainment options, and move around constantly chasing cheaper rent or better jobs. We're worse than potatoes in a sack, we're chips in a bag.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Not firm enough. Real-world organization comes from workplaces because you have a group of people with similar interests who see each other every day, as capitalism has become more atomized the conditions required to form those kinds of orgs have become more and more rare.

      College campuses are the next best thing, but we've seen pretty conclusively by this point that college kids can't organize for shit either. I think the only hope of radical left wing organization in America is a militant group forming in an Amazon warehouse or Wal Mart or something like that.

    • GaveUp [love/loves]
      2 years ago

      American capitalism (imperialism) probably helps like half the people that makeup that subreddit and this website

      Probably moreso the people from r/196 but you get the point; Americans aren't suffering enough to truly care about capitalism to do anything serious about it