• DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    1 year ago

    He did it.

    But the cops were also totally nazis while simultaneously totally incompetent.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Yes. Very obviously. It was a competition of who was worse. The rich psychotic black man that killed his wife over his own paranoia and violent temper? Or the white racist cops making no effort to hide their racism and contempt for him because of it. Doing anything to bury him. The racism that the general public had towards black people after the verdict only made matters worse.

    I still have older relatives saying that the all black jury ruled him innocent because of their collective victim complex.

    • Shoegazer [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The Nazi cops could've easily put a black man in prison, but they let their own racism and hatred hinder that ability. Just shows how stupid fascists and cops are

    • DoubleShot [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I still have older relatives saying that the all black jury ruled him innocent because of their collective victim complex.

      I find this view extremely common among nearly every white person who paid attention to the case in real time (so that's most white Americans over 40).

  • blobjim [he/him]
    1 year ago

    No he didn't he wrote a book called "If I did it" which would be grammatically wrong if he did do it

    • jabrd [he/him]
      1 year ago

      It’s amazing that that book has like 20 covers but the if is almost illegible on all of them

        • HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]
          1 year ago

          That was due to some court shenanigans. Courts deemed Nicole and Ron's families were the proper owners of the story, and all printings after they got the rights bury the 'If'

  • MaoistLandlord [he/him]
    1 year ago

    It's wild how he was friends with a Kardashian lol. Just a few degrees separated from Kanye

  • Dryad [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Somebody who didn't do it wouldn't write a book titled "if I did it." They'd want the shitshow behind them. Just like that sack of shit Zimmerman selling the gun he murdered Trayvon Martin with. That's just not the kind of shit you do if you're not a murderer

    • ElmLion [any]
      1 year ago

      To be fair, he didn't write the book, nor come up with the title, nor did he make or approve the book covers that make it look explicitly like a confession.

      • Dryad [she/her]
        1 year ago

        News to me tbh. I learned in school that he wrote the book.

        Either way the point I'm getting at is that even somebody who is forced to kill in self-defense doesn't look to get rich off it. It's a terrible thing which, even when justified, feels soul-crushing. Nobody but a murderer kills and then tries to make money off of it. And definitely nobody tries to make money off being falsely accused of killing in the first place.

  • electerrific [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    OJ wanted the white life, and he had it all. Wealth, fame, loved by pretty much everyone in America. He lived in a mansion in Brentwood and he even had a white trophy wife.

    In fact, his white life was so authentic that his white wife did what most white Brentwood wives do: she found a handsome boy waiting tables at a restaurant she liked, and she cheated on her husband with him. This wasn't a big deal, everyone does it. But boy, as soon as OJ found out he flew into a murderous rage and used his remarkable strength to butcher the both of them with a Bowie knife. He knew what he did, and flew to Chicago to escape. Indeed, it's forgotten but that's what he did until the cops called him to come back so they could investigate and find the real killer. I still remember the press conference at noon, long before The Chase, when the spokesman brought us up to date on the situation and then says, "We are now...actively searching for Mr. Simpson." And the whole room gasps audibly.

  • UglySpaghettiHoe [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I think so. He probably has Chris Benoit levels of CTE which likely pushed him to do it

  • NeelixBiederman [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I remember being in elementary school when they let the teachers turn on TVs and announce the verdict

  • flan [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Kato Kaelin did it while wearing an OJ mask and wielding a katana