Trusting US to keep to its agreements and promises is so lol. The US has a bigger military, why the fuck would we do that?

  • StalinForTime [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Despite the undeniable volume of coolaid I don't think that the European neoliberal project of the EU, the ECB and so on would have been able to function at the (admittedly not very high) level they have been able to so far if literally all of them drank their own coolaid. I think there are definitely high level administrators in the key european economic and financial institutions like the ECB who are equally awre as American financiers and monetary policy makers of what maintaining the financial and monetary system actually entails, e.g. throwing industrial capitalism shibboleths about investors needing to accept the risks of their investments (whatever form) out the window. They know that you don't through the baby out with the bathwater.

    If you read Fed economic papers there's often alot of coolaid as well.