Title: The Curious Case of the Time-Traveling Sandwich

(Scene opens at a small, cozy deli, bustling with customers. Behind the counter, BOB, a middle-aged, mustachioed man in a deli apron, is slicing meats and making sandwiches. DAVID, a quirky customer in his 30s, enters.)

DAVID: (Excitedly) Bob! You're not going to believe it! I've invented a time machine!

BOB: (Skeptical) Oh, really? And I suppose you're going to tell me you've been traveling through time, saving the world or something?

DAVID: No, no, nothing like that. I've just been using it to get sandwiches from the past!

BOB: (Pauses, puzzled) Wait, what? You've got a time machine, and all you're doing is getting sandwiches?

DAVID: (Defensive) Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it! These are sandwiches from the greatest moments in history! It's like I'm eating time itself!

BOB: (Curious) Alright, I'll bite. Show me one of these "time sandwiches."

(DAVID pulls out a wrapped sandwich from his bag and hands it to BOB.)

BOB: (Examining the sandwich) So, what's so special about this sandwich?

DAVID: That, my friend, is a ham and cheese from the day the pyramids were completed. It's got ancient Egyptian mustard!

BOB: (Sarcastic) Wow, that's... really something. But don't you think it's a bit of a waste of a time machine?

DAVID: (Indignant) Waste? I've been experiencing the culinary delights of history! I've had a Reuben during the signing of the Declaration of Independence, a BLT on the moon landing, even a peanut butter and jelly at the Battle of Waterloo!

BOB: (Shaking his head) You know, you could have used that time machine to change history, make the world a better place, or at least learn something valuable.

DAVID: (Dismissive) Pfft, who needs that when you can have a sandwich with Genghis Khan? Besides, I've learned plenty!

BOB: (Intrigued) Oh, really? Like what?

DAVID: (Proudly) Well, for one, Cleopatra was a big fan of pastrami!

BOB: (Facepalms) You know what, I'm not even surprised.

(Suddenly, a futuristic-looking version of DAVID steps out of a time portal.)

FUTURE DAVID: (Frantic) Wait! Stop eating that sandwich!

DAVID: (Startled) Whoa! What's going on? Are you me from the future?

FUTURE DAVID: Yes, and I'm here to warn you: your reckless sandwich time-traveling is causing disastrous ripples in the space-time continuum!

BOB: (Smirking) I knew it! You can't just go gallivanting through time for sandwiches!

DAVID: (Worried) So, what do we do?

FUTURE DAVID: (Determined) We must travel through time and return all the sandwiches to their rightful moments in history, before it's too late!

(Scene fades out as DAVID, FUTURE DAVID, and BOB gather sandwiches and prepare for their time-traveling mission to save the space-time continuum, one sandwich at a time.)

(Scene opens with DAVID, FUTURE DAVID, and BOB stepping out of a time portal into ancient Egypt, each holding a bunch of sandwiches.)

BOB: (Dumbfounded) I can't believe I'm actually in ancient Egypt!

FUTURE DAVID: (Urgent) Focus, Bob! We need to return these sandwiches to their rightful owners and fix the space-time continuum!

DAVID: (Nervous) Right, so, uh, how do we do that without causing more damage?

FUTURE DAVID: (Confident) Just follow my lead.

(They approach a group of ancient Egyptians carrying large blocks.)

FUTURE DAVID: (In broken ancient Egyptian) Excuse me, we believe you dropped these... uh, sandwich-um... food-um thing-ums.

EGYPTIAN WORKER: (Puzzled, in ancient Egyptian) What are these strange things?

BOB: (Whispering to DAVID) Did you just introduce sandwiches to ancient Egypt?

DAVID: (Panicking) I don't know! Maybe?

FUTURE DAVID: (Whispers) Just leave the sandwiches and let's get out of here!

(Scene shifts to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.)

DAVID: (Handing a Reuben to Thomas Jefferson) Here, sir. I believe this is yours.

THOMAS JEFFERSON: (Confused) I don't recall ordering a sandwich...

BOB: (Whispering to FUTURE DAVID) Is it just me, or are we making things worse?

FUTURE DAVID: (Whispering back) We'll fix it, I promise!

(Scene shifts to the Battle of Waterloo.)

DAVID: (Nervously) Excuse me, Napoleon, sir? I think you dropped your peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

NAPOLEON: (Furious) Sacrebleu! Are you mocking me with this ridiculous food?

BOB: (To FUTURE DAVID) This is definitely not going as planned.

(Scene shifts to the moon landing.)

FUTURE DAVID: (Desperate) Okay, last stop. Let's just give Neil Armstrong his BLT and get out of here!

NEIL ARMSTRONG: (Astonished) How did you get up here?

BOB: (Thinking quickly) We're, uh, part of the catering team?

(Scene shifts back to the deli, with DAVID, FUTURE DAVID, and BOB stepping out of the time portal.)

DAVID: (Exhausted) Well, that was a disaster.

FUTURE DAVID: (Defeated) Maybe, but we've learned our lesson, right?

BOB: (Sarcastic) Yeah, don't mess with sandwiches and time travel.

DAVID: (Pondering) You know, there's still one more thing I'm curious about...

BOB: (Wary) What's that?

DAVID: (Grinning) What sandwiches did the dinosaurs eat?

FUTURE DAVID: (Rolling his eyes) Oh, not again...


  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    2 years ago

    This can easily be read hearing their voices. Not bad at all