Communism = no labor

  • usa_suxxx [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Disagree and while I'm not saying people should hate her, the Stalin question is a good litmus test. It's the same playbook they run on any Socialist figure. Whether it's Castro, Chavez, Maduro and even Evo. Someone who can't comprehend that Stalin wasn't a supremely evil figure definitely has question marks on them.

    I don't even think it's an irrelevant question here. There just isn't a mature enough movement for it to take in effect. If someone can't comprehend lies that are decades old, there should be questions about how they can handle them when they are fresh and involve people they know.

    And it's not like she's just a primary offline figure who likes to occasionally rattle zingers online. She runs a Communism podcast that is supposedly educational.

    • slugbait666 [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      I think it's counterproductive to demand that people swear fealty to a dead soviet leader before considering them a potential comrade. Do you do this litmus test with your real-life friends? Like, do you really refuse to hang out with or organize with people who aren't stalin fans? Or is this more a test for deciding which leftist podcasters/online figures are "good" and which ones are "bad"? Neither makes sense to me, but I'm curious

      • usa_suxxx [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Fealty? It's about the person being able to interpret information. Yes, I do make notes about what people are saying and whether I can consider them trustworthy on the tasks that information can be applied to. And I have done this before being a leftist. This is a skill required in any cooperative work.

        As I said, I don't believe people should hate her but questions exist and a person's ability to interpret fact from blatant fiction should not be completely disregarded.

        • slugbait666 [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          I do make notes about what people are saying and whether I can consider them trustworthy on the tasks that information can be applied to.

          Are you a secret agent or something? I prefer to build trust with people the regular human way, by getting to know them over a period of time, assessing whether or not they share my general goals and principles and seeing if they live up to their commitments. Whether or not they agree with my interpretation of the legacies of controversial historical figures seems less important to me. I also think that there are valid criticisms of Stalin and the U.S.S.R. generally that aren't based on lies and propaganda, so I wouldn't rush to assume that anyone engaging in that criticism lacks critical thinking skills or the ability to interpret information.

          • usa_suxxx [they/them]
            1 year ago

            No, I simply ask any random friend or coworker help on every and any task regardless if it is in their skill set or expertise. I'm always going to electrician for plumbing work and asking CNN for their opinion on Nicaragua. Just complete bad faith. :side-eye-1:

            • slugbait666 [none/use name]
              1 year ago

              You're just doing tedious strawman stuff now and you know it. I'm gonna stop now before I commit the cardinal sin of getting mad at an internet stranger over something pointless and stupid. Have a good one.