Veteran reporter says she’s never seen protests with this kind of intensity and commitment in the decades she’s been covering France.

Watch the union leader clear the fog that the Politico shlub from some think tank literally called “Friends of Europe.” It’s a beautiful thing.

Shit is really ratcheting up.

And, apparently in Israel too! Damn, didn’t know a thing about that…

Fucking Twitter sucks so bad it’s unbelievable. The trending topics are a complete and utter farce, but have been for years and years now.

  • ennemi [he/him]
    2 years ago

    A friend of mine is a French expat and he's a fucking Macron stan. He got visibly upset once when I compared the man to Justin Trudeau. I guess he's less of a bold-faced liar snake than Trudeau but otherwise they're basically the same person no?

    • Fishroot [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Macron is a banker so he is more competent in terms of neoliberal policy, Justin Trudeau is basically a nepobaby propped up by Canada's biggest industry.

      The presidential system of France can also overwrite parliamentary decision, making Macron more powerful compare to Trudeau who is lucky because the opposition is too incompetent and his coalition are too limped to pressure him anyway

      • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Justin Trudeau is basically a nepobaby propped up by Canada’s biggest industry.

        we aren't supposed to name it but fidel's children are so plentiful they are indeed a social class in canada

    • Tormato [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      The post-9/11 EU world has been a sick inside cabal of IMF puppets running the show. Italy’s Renzi and Macron are former Wall St Economic Terrorists.

      Yeah, let’s turn over the entire country’s wealth, work force, pensions and natural resources to bank stooges whose whole practice has been the predatory vulture capitalism playbook of gambling away pension funds, selling out infrastructure and cutting wages.

      It’s literally like a medieval situation with kings and queens of finance. But with we peasants having cable tv to and endless access to cheap trinkets made by child slave labor in SE Asia.

      Macron is their puppet boy.