In america, more than 60 protesters have been run over this year but people will send the tank man image to chinese people, thinking it will deprogram them and make them hate china

    • emizeko [they/them]
      4 years ago

      sorry I'm not clear— the speech, or the fatalities?

        • emizeko [they/them]
          4 years ago

          from my understanding the fatalities were in the neighborhood near the square but not in it

            • emizeko [they/them]
              4 years ago
              • Protest leader admits no protesters were killed in the square.

              the western narrative is that they mowed people down in the square itself, seems reasonable to point out a basic inaccuracy on where the deaths occurred. I don't see that as a trivial detail

              I didn't write this pasta originally and if you have a suggestion on how to rephrase it I'll listen

            • JudgeJuche [he/him]
              4 years ago

              It's not a trivial gripe because it's primarily about how the deaths occurred. There were armed guerrillas attacking and lynching PLA soldiers, and the soldiers attacked and killed in return. It was legitimate self-defense on behalf of the PLA.

              The lie is that the thousands of unarmed, innocent, student protesters who had gathered publicly in the square were mowed down, because the evil commie Chinese have no respect for human life and wanted to crush dissent. That's what most Americans visualize when they hear "Tienanmen Square Massacre", thanks to propaganda. The truth is that the square emptied out peacefully, and the total fatalities from both sides were about 200. The PLA acted far more restrained on that day than any US troops or cops would have.

                • JudgeJuche [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  Wikipedia is a fuck.

                  When you say “lynching”, what exactly do you mean?

                  NSFL: 1, 2

                    • JudgeJuche [he/him]
                      4 years ago

                      The violence was not done in response to the lynchings so much as the lynchings were simply a part of the violence. There was a legit battle. The AP reported at the time that "Rival military units battle in Beijing." The CIA had armed rebels in an attempt to foment a colour revolution, as they are wont to do.