In america, more than 60 protesters have been run over this year but people will send the tank man image to chinese people, thinking it will deprogram them and make them hate china

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    ONE PHOTOGRAPH was published in Granta which clearly showed two mutilated bodies. They were, however, those of two Chinese soldiers, hanging from a burnt-out bus in Tiananmen Square. These images were never seen in the mainstream Western media, which also maintained a silence concerning the actions depicted in them. Peter McKenna, Liverpool (

    I found a Granta article about Tiananmen, might not be the same one, but it's paywalled. it's been SEO'd away on google and after this digging I've seen too many gory photos for now. but, I'll take a crack at searching it in Chinese on Baidu on the next go round