...and kids too.

Like less normal than us.

CW: reddit-logo

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 months ago

    Uhh... yeah, people have gotten real fucking weird about dogs over the last twenty years. Like, i mostly stay out of it, but when was the last time you saw a dog that could heel. Like the dog's off leash running around having fun and someone yell' ps "skipper! Heel!" And the dog walks over and lays down beside them waiting for a command, or walks calmly next to them. You know, heel. It's the most basic, probably the most important command. I can't think of any time i've met a dog that could heel up since I was a kid. People have gotten real fucking weird about dogs. It's freaky. I try to stay out of it.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Pets are a responsibility. If I had a fucking feral child everyone would call me a negligent parent. Same goes for pets. They might be inclined to cohabitation due to domestication but that doesn't mean you can take a hands-free approach.

        • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
          4 months ago

          Cats are definitely more independent but there's still ways of teaching them a few basic rules like "don't bite my hand while playing" or "it's time for a meal." Consistency is key.

          A simple thing with cats you can do is the slow blink. It shows trust. If they lock eyes with you while on your lap look away, slowly scan the room (for danger), lock eyes with them again and slowly close them. It says "I checked it out and it's safe to let my guard down." They'll follow your cue.

    • itappearsthat
      4 months ago

      Huge numbers of dogs also have weird behavioral triggers with bikes, skateboards, and scooters. Will lunge at them as they go by. I was walking one of my friends' dogs because they were out of town and the fucker tried to straight up yeet himself into oncoming traffic because he saw a bicycle on the other side of the road. Had dogs try to lunge at me as I biked by many times. Why do these people even take them out on bike paths???

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        4 months ago

        weird behavioral triggers

        Right? They're territorial predators, and people just don't train or socialize them. Those leashes that are on a spring and the dog can just spool out line, that's not keeping your dog under control. idk, people are fucking goofy. And then they get goofy when you point out that their 40, 50lb predatory land mammal isn't safe to take outside. Not safe for the dog, not safe for bystanders, because they made no effort at all to train the animal. Like fuck off, dude, you're the one who couldn't be bothered to take your dog to puppy socialization and teach it to stay, you are the villain here.

        • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
          4 months ago

          My dog is really old now. She's basically deaf and can't run at all without wheezing and hacking for 5 mins. I've taken care of her for multiple years now, like 7 years, and her previous owner (... my brother, unfortunately) never really bothered training her to be social. I'm sure she was always aggressive, she's a pit mix of whatever type, the same type of dogs rotting in shelters because humans are fucking idiots and keep breeding them and few people want a pitbull beyond weirdos. I only have her because she was neglected and I bonded with her after also being frankly afraid of her for like a year. I'm a dog lover, but she jumped on me and kept trying to bite my gf at the time, much smaller than me, so I wrote her off for a long time as a bad dog. But he wasn't feeding her or giving her attention, and I did, so she chose to be my dog basically.

          All that to say, I "adopted" her when she was already a full ass grown dog. Well beyond any meaningful behavioral training. I mean the truth is, to any objective person with no attachment, she should've been put down a long time ago for jumping on people, biting, etc. She didn't bite me though, I don't think she ever has in anger (when she was younger she'd fuck my hands up bad though by accident playing with toys. She sounded like one of those fighting dogs while playing. I was legitimately terrified of her at times even though I weigh 4x more than her. She could jump on me with those big ass paws and scratch me down while biting for the toy. Pitbulls, it turns out, really are deadly. I can only imagine a small pack of her but more trained to murder and with the intention).

          I never really took her to parks or walks during the day when people especially kids would be around. She would lose her fucking mind. Like it was insane. Frothing at the mouth, yanking on her leash so hard she was choking herself out. Obviously i tried for years to train her to be more calm. Walking around areas with less people but mostly squirrels and she still lost her mind and never learned anything. She'd obey me right up until a person or another dog came around then it was like a dog fight preview with the barking and yanking.

          I basically just gave up at some point trying to socialize her. I have a private backyard for her where she can safely chase squirrels and there will never be kids back there (she's too old to do shit now anyway). I guess my only point here was if you see dogs like her it's possible they kinda got stuck with the dog. Obviously i love my dumbass girl, but she's legitimately a burden on me and that's partly on the people who bred her (on purpose to my understanding...) and partly on my dipshit brother who didn't socialize her as a puppy and at least try to crush some of the worst aspects that pitbulls tend to exhibit. Although I would say that if someone is openly walking an insane, barking, frothing pitbull near a park of kids they're an asshole. I used to muzzle my dog if I knew people would be nearby. It sucks to do it, feels mean, but ultimately I'd rather be the mean dog dad for a few minutes with her sadly looking at me like "wtf you took away my only weapon" than her getting off the leash (she used to LOVE to do this little magic trick where she'd squirm and get the collar or harness off- piece of shit dog, man. She's lucky I apparently am a crazy dog guy or something).

          I own guns and I basically treat this dog like a gun. I keep her away from people, lock her up, and keep the safety on. A mixture of vigilance on my part and surely luck has meant she's never attacked anyone while I owned her. I do feel really bad for her though. She's had to live a life being locked up because her original owner got a dog he didn't have time to raise. She's had a really good life, no doubt; I treat her like my dumb little baby. But I do get sad knowing I can never take her on a walk around the neighborhood without having to then go back and apologize/explain to my neighbors what the hell they just saw.

          I also don't get "pitbull lovers." I love MY pitbull, but I love her because she's my dog and my friend in that way, not because she's a certain breed. I honestly hope one day to never see another dog like her around. They can be fine if well trained just like any dog, but people don't do it, and they become 50lb balls of muscle and teeth trying to kill everyone. If we're gonna have untrained dogs let them at least be less harmful like chihuahuas and small terriers and shit. I used to have a chihuahua mixed mutt of some sort and he was also poorly trained (another adult adopted dog) but he was basically harmless. Like an oversized rat. That same attitude in my current dog, when she was younger and capable, obviously a totally different thing. So I dunno. Don't buy pitbulls and tell your dumbass family members to stop doing it too. It just churns out miserable dogs with miserable owners. -signed, a current owner and lover of a vicious murder machine dog.

          (She's passed the fuck out beside me while I'm talking shit about her dog-race online)

          • bigboopballs [he/him]
            4 months ago

            I also don't get "pitbull lovers." I love MY pitbull, but I love her because she's my dog and my friend in that way, not because she's a certain breed. I honestly hope one day to never see another dog like her around. They can be fine if well trained just like any dog, but people don't do it, and they become 50lb balls of muscle and teeth trying to kill everyone. If we're gonna have untrained dogs let them at least be less harmful like chihuahuas and small terriers and shit. I used to have a chihuahua mixed mutt of some sort and he was also poorly trained (another adult adopted dog) but he was basically harmless. Like an oversized rat. That same attitude in my current dog, when she was younger and capable, obviously a totally different thing. So I dunno. Don't buy pitbulls and tell your dumbass family members to stop doing it too. It just churns out miserable dogs with miserable owners. -signed, a current owner and lover of a vicious murder machine dog.

            yeah, I got banned from c/chapotraphouse comm for pushing back against pibble nutters

              • Barx [none/use name]
                4 months ago

                I am Karl Barx and I reject this "pupper proletarian" revisionism.

            • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
              4 months ago

              It's because a lot of anti-pitbull people in the US associate pitbulls with African-Americans, and a lot of their "they should all be put down." rhetoric is often used as a dogwhistle for their owners as well. A lot of racism involved in blind pitbull hate.

              Not saying you're like that, obviously, just that I think people can have a knee jerk reaction in the opposite direction. They're big dogs, and if they're poorly trained or socialised, they can cause a lot of harm. They aren't all "harmless fur babies" but neither are they all "dangerous ticking timebombs." They're dogs.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            4 months ago

            Respect. most people wouldn't take on a dog like that, and most people who do don't treat it with enough respect to keep the dog safe and the people around the dog safe.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        4 months ago

        My roommate's dog only hated longboards. Regular skateboards were fine. She was anti poser

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I hate dogs because of shit like this. Definitely had cases where I'd be out walking and some dog would start charging across traffic at me.

    • dannoffs [he/him]
      4 months ago

      people have gotten real fucking weird about dogs over the last twenty years

      Yes, it's almost like people have become less financially stable and more socially isolated they've become attached to easily accessible sources of relationships and affection. It's no excuse to not train your dog, but people's relationship with their pets has fundamentally changed.

    • Barx [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      I know people that trained their dogs well and they'll do exactly that.

      Though one of them has a husky so they'll whine a lot first but then eventually heel.