I made the mistake of going to her Twitter to see the actual tweet but I couldn’t find it in the fucking ocean of anti-trans shit she is tweeting and retweeting.

Including the Communist Party of Great Britain too when they put out an anti-trans statement. She has completely lost her mind.

This is another reason why you shouldn’t have billionaires. Now that they don’t gotta work, all they do is tweet (see also Elon).

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Trans people have always existed and language is catching up. Nothing has been renamed, we just gave names to things that didn't have them before. There isn't any contrivance there, that's just how language do be all the times. It's almost as precisely as far away from the mark as you could get from that quote.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        1 year ago

        There was a super cute story in one of my Polynesian anthropology textbooks. So a teenager named "Maria" kept acting like a boy and hooking up with girls. So the village got together and had a renaming ceremony. Maria became Mario. Got married to a woman a few years later. Adopted some kids. Everyone moved the fuck on.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          1 year ago

          There were some like...fairly minor things to get around when I was way younger but that was mostly cause abolishing gender as a concept had been sorta the stance I had learned and it took a bit of learning to get to where I fully understood things or at least as much as I do now, but it never once occurred to me thst being trans wasn't valid or anything. Like even if deep down I never believed it, that wouldn't really matter cause it's what other people wanna do with themselves.

          • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Couldn't agree more with you, especially that last part. Like sure people do things I don't approve of but if they aren't hurting other people it's none of my business. Nobody is being harmed because a person wants new pronouns, a new name, or a change in appearance.

            That's why JK is such an asshole. I've never seen a person make such a mountain out of a molehill in my life. And on a shit website no less. Real big loser energy for all to see.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      1 year ago

      My pet theory is that gender identity is such a crucial part of their identity that the idea of someone transitioning melts their identity in a way that, say, racism does not. Like racism melts their brains but some white dude who is all hopped up on that still has to see non whites when they crawl out of their hole. Does that make sense? Like it reaffirms that "those people are different" while a trans person isn't playing by "their rules" hence all the weirdos obsessed with their brainwormed idea that a celeb is secretly trans. Sorry I'm not good at fully articulating the theory yet, it's total armchair psychology, but that's the vibe I read.

    • mazdak
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • Diablosmacc [any]
        1 year ago

        she claimed more than just dysphoria iirc she pretty much said she would she transitioned if it were an option for her when she were younger lol and how awful and horrible that is because it’s anti tomboy or some shit

  • Farman [any]
    1 year ago

    Dont you think its sad? They could do anything they want but they spend their time on that site.

    Im a complete loser and severly mentally ill yet even i have better things to do than to go there.

    Its like midas shit you have all the gold but you are still miserable.

    • Diablosmacc [any]
      1 year ago

      it actually comforts me a little like as miserable and suicidal I am, I know I’m more fulfilled than jkr or chaya raichik

      • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        When I curl up at night clutching whatever mental peace I've managed to scrape together, I feel all the warmer and snugger for knowing that these empty ghouls can only prowl the digital wastes looking for their next narcisstic supply.

    • Red_Left_Hand [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Imagine the opportunity cost of being on Twitter as a rich person. Any second you're scrolling through paid content (I feel that Rowling doesn't know about adblock) is a second where you can't sleep, eat genuine wasabi, do LSD on a super soft carpet or fund and organize domestic [redacted]

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Go at it slowly and use a dictionary. Learning how to read something dense and information based should really be taught in schools but since doing so might require sticking to one book over a couple grades that isn't happening with how things are. Now i find it odd when I read something written with modern language that's also meant to entertain. My brain is like 'oh right, books can also be movies that you read.'

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    1 year ago

    in a parallel universe, another bubble of expanding spacetime seperated by unimaginable physical distances, there lies an exact copy of Earth down to the subatomic level, although existing nearly two hundred years in the "past". a man, Friedrich Engels, the unremarkable son of factory owners, is again having another late night discussion with his best friend and comrade.

    suddenly he feels a sharp, cold almost knife-like sensation start at the top of his spine and end at his tailbone. he immediately doubles over and throws up.

    "too much to drink?" his friend asks. "no Karl. I just felt something i can't describe."

  • bigboopballs [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Communist Party of Great Britain [...] put out an anti-trans statement.


  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Including the Communist Party of Great Britain too when they put out an anti-trans statement.

    cpgb or cpgb-ml?
    they are both fucking shit to be clear, but ml is significantly worse

      • Awoo [she/her]
        1 year ago

        The real innovation of this Bill is to legislate for the self-ID of someone’s legal sex, embedding self-declared ‘gender identity’ in law. But when pursued to the exclusion of such considerations as the sex-based rights of women, and the fragmentation of equality legislation across Britain, it undermines the drive to build unity within and between the working class and the oppressed and disadvantaged groups in our society.

        The Communist Party is the only political party with a coherent political analysis of sex and gender. Gender as an ideological construct should not be confused or conflated with the material reality of biological sex. Gender is the vehicle through which misogyny is enacted and normalised. Gender identity ideology is well- suited to the needs of the capitalist class, focusing as it does on individual as opposed to collective rights, enabling and supporting the super-exploitation of women.

        I've fucking argued with CPB taint lickers ON THIS SITE about their party being institutionally transphobic and they assured me that was no longer true and that this shit was in the past. That they had moved past it, blah blah fucking blah. They constantly pop out of the woodwork everywhere that british transphobia is discussed and say "that's cpgb not cpb".

        Lying fucking shits.

        Red Fightback is the only party in the country with an actually accurate take on the state of Britain, they are consistently fucking spot on. And I'm not even in RFB ffs but fuck all these other shits.

        This makes me so angry.

        • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I’ve fucking argued with CPB taint lickers ON THIS SITE about their party being institutionally transphobic and they assured me that was no longer true and that this shit was in the past. They constantly pop out of the woodwork everywhere that british transphobia is discussed and say “that’s cpgb not cpb”.

          i think i remember reading that discussion, today i posted in the news mega the CPB statement and theres 1 user saying it isnt transphobic and the CPB arent terfs

          • Awoo [she/her]
            1 year ago

            Drawing a line between "gender ideology" and "biological sex" is literally the foundation upon which terfism denies the identities of trans women and argues for the protection of "women-only spaces" along the lines of "biological sex".

            It is fucking terfism. It is literally "you are not women, you are just men calling yourselves women", with a completely disgusting absence of any line on trans men because they genuinely do not give a fuck about them or know full well that to come out with a "they're groomed or confused women" take would rip their masks completely off.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            1 year ago

            This completely blew over me I've been embedded in culture war shit that sucked out my soul for months. What happend to RFB?

              • Awoo [she/her]
                1 year ago

                This writeup of the causes sums up what I mean about their exemplary work, this is exceptionally well written. Such an incredible shame, I will stand by their theory work over the years as having been a cut above every other party. Perhaps that was because of the lack of physical organising due to inexperience driving them to debate too much and turn to written works, but it was a visible strength that caused people to take notice of them. They consistently improved their physical presence and organising over the years and I do believe they would have improved further.

                Guess I'll have to keep an eye out for the next one, the issues that caused RFB to form haven't gone away so I expect to see another. For the time being I guess "terf island" has absolutely no exceptions.

                What seems to be missing in this writeup however is a set of actionable changes in approach that would have prevented this from occurring.

                • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
                  1 year ago

                  What seems to be missing in this writeup however is a set of actionable changes in approach that would have prevented this from occurring.

                  i could give them a couple of tips having interacted with some members
                  answer emails from people who aren't baby faced uni kids and actually have experience organising
                  not being radioactively middle class

                  • Awoo [she/her]
                    1 year ago

                    I think the class issue is likely because most recruitment was coming from predominantly online, likely as a result of the large number of trans people that started it having an affinity to the internet like most trans people do who turn to tech and the internet to hide themselves away.

                    I'm more talking about fundamental organisational changes though. Structure or positions that would be simple for the org to change when an error occurs and protect the wider org from collapse.

                    The main problem appears to have been 1 person having too much control of critical infrastructure though, I suspect this person's control of the infrastructure was likely what paralysed them from acting but it's unclear.

                      • Awoo [she/her]
                        1 year ago

                        My conspiracy theory will be that the accused is a fed

                        I also went to this thought with the way it played out. They built critical infrastructure to the party and inserted themselves as crucial to it, ensuring their permanent presence in important circles. We know for a fact that feds have joined obscure marxist reading groups as small as 5 people here in the UK, which then went on to become the spy pregnancy scandal when members of that group went on to start a climate group.

                        It is a tactic to get into things very VERY early on where trust is extremely high due to being early. I wouldn't put it past them to build the infrastructure as a means of tying their presence and influence to it. You get a very strong method of keeping your presence around and if shit hits the fan you can blow everything up.

                        The disappointing thing here is that nobody thought they could rebuild it.

                          • Awoo [she/her]
                            1 year ago

                            Yeah completely collapse of morale is probably a big factor here. Lack of motivation to get back up and push on. I understand but like... I've been doing this too fucking long now to not just keep on going. It's the only way. You just keep going. Every single day is another day of work for it all and we just have to keep going forwards.

                            These events are emotional and building the fortitude to keep going after they occur is a necessary part of our work too.