This is an alt (don’t want this on my main, that account is pretty well known.)

I posted about this in a mega thread a month ago, but would there be much interest in some kind of community to attempt self sufficiency and avoid climate apocalypse? I’ve been looking into off-grid resources, and have a decent amount of experience in an IT-related field.

I just have no fucking idea how to homestead or farm - and besides, what’s the point of living through the climate apocalypse if you’re stuck doing it by yourself.

I’m just trying to gauge interest here, but if you have any resources you’d recommend I’d love to see them.

  • Jorick [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Well, yes and no. You're definitely safer in a land that has plenty of water and farmable land, possibly on a mountainous plateau so it's harder to access it, sort of. But you get the point, better be say, on the French mainland, or New Zealand than say, in India or sub-saharan africa.