
They're continuing the rehabilitation of the space nazis (with celebrities! 🎉) and now doing a "the robot slaves are grateful to serve" thing. Everything's going great.👍

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    1 year ago

    In 2018, Avengers: Infinity War and Solo: A Star Wars Story were due to be released. Now at this point I'd been a long-time Star Wars fan, but I'd never really been a MCU fan (or a superhero fan more broadly). I'd been extremely disappointed in the two Star Wars sequels for being bland corporate pap, but I was anxious about that. I still wanted to be part of the hype. Same with the MCU, I was feeling left out. So I decided I'd give Solo a chance, and I decided I'd try to become a Marvel guy by watching all the Marvel movies (I'd already seen most of them anyway at that point, but I decided I'd rewatch them all in order). I quickly discovered that, no, I really don't like the Marvel movies. Though I found Infinity War enjoyable enough, I didn't think it was an especially good or memorable movie, certainly not worth all the hype. And then Solo was just awful. And I had to make my peace that I just wasn't going to enjoy what Marvel or Star Wars put out from there on. And I haven't bothered. Gave in for Andor, and glad that I did because it's a great show, but the few clips I've seen of the other Disney+ shows just look like dogshit.

    I swear every time Star Wars comes up on this site I write (or think about writing) this post about how I got fed up and gave up on Star Wars. Like I'm an ex-Mormon or Jehovah's Witness or something. Get over yourself! It's a children's entertainment property that you didn't stop watching until your late twenties. The Ewoks were doing their dumb teddy bear antics in 1983 once Lucas gave up on artistic integrity and kicked out Gary Kurtz, writing was on the wall with this one before I was even born.