• BabaIsPissed [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I don't get what the point of this is. I dislike Marvel movies (haven't seen one in like 6 years), and have a strong disdain for the nerd impulse to Wookiepedia every piece of media. But what does this have to do with algorithmic recommendations? We have been subject to an endless stream of slop for more than a century at this point, the only thing that changed is the delivery method. Is it just tech = nerd then? Is it even what this is about? Or is it just that he thinks that art being made cynically in response to market trends is a new thing?

    Most people will passively accept culture produced under the regime of alibidinal information-sorting algorithms, if it’s the only thing available—but only up to a point. After that point, they will simply check out, which is exactly what they’re now doing. It’s not just Marvel: nerd culture is collapsing everywhere. Sequels and franchises no longer drag as many people into the cinemas. The ecstatic boyband fans have gone quiet: increasingly, new music in general is being oucompeted by Spotify’s century-long back catalogue. Over the last year, sales of books in print went up by 4.2%—except for young adult novels, which have declined. As I’ve argued previously, algorithms in general are starting to collapse. The nerd world is dying.

    Like, can't he spot that this makes no sense? "Yeah fuck those Korean pretty boys, my crusty ass music is better *! Fuck the algorithm! Hail Spotify's catalogue of popular music curated by an algorithm!". People are not just watching less derivative slop in the cinema, they are not going to the cinema to watch anything. They are at home watching derivative slop made by Netflix. OK people, are buying less young adult books. Does this mean that what they are buying is less informed by market trends, or just that tastes have shifted? For all you know, it's bad self-help and Hillary Clinton biographies.

    This feels like a piece against infantalizing media that is too self aware to admit that's what it is, because the author is too fond of the infantalizing nonsense he grew up with. Just be honest that you're glad that Antman bombed because superheroes drool and Rambo rules.


    After being filtered by the passage of time, please pay no attention to all the garbage that was being made. Does he not remembered the gritty cultural void of the 2000's?

    • SerLava [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Pretty off topic but I once read a Wookiepedia article about a star wars character, all this biographical and historical information, and then at some point in the article, out of absolutely nowhere, it was like

      "when approached by his enemy Some Guy, he activated three Sith orbs to shield himself. After Some Guy destroyed one of the orbs, he sent in a squad of stormtroopers as a distraction until the remaining two orbs could reactivate his shield. When Some Guy destroyed the second orb, he sent another squad of stormtroopers, but he was further hurt in the ensuing fight. The shield came back online under one orb, and at this point he unleashed three waves of force lightning at Some Guy, who managed to dodge each wave and destroy the final orb. At this point he was fully vulnerable and Some Guy killed him with his blaster"

      The writers literally just launched into a play by play description of some fucking playstation 1 game, Christs sake