PDF: "The radical left in Ukraine since Maidan: the case of the National Anarchist Movement" https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/237476663.pdf

One anarchist group emerging from the remnants of the Autonomous Worker’s Union became notorious for its support of Russia and separatists fighting in the east as well as adopting an openly Stalinist political agenda. This group known as ‘Borotba’ which joined separatists in the DNR, also claimed a narrative of fighting an ‘anti-imperial struggle’

anarchists say "self determination" but don't condemn fascists who do atrocities against ethnic minority separatists wanting to leave Ukraine and re-join Russia? Very sus western alignment

In return a cry for a ‘pro-Ukrainian’ anarchist movement within the radical left emerged to counter-act this tendency. A new social movement influenced by an ideology of ‘national anarchism’ and the fight for a ‘Ukrainian national liberation struggle’ and against a neo-imperial Russia was born.

Neoliberals define liberation as "individual consumer freedom in a free market", its actually good for their countrymen that they overthrew their own state to change the laws to enable selling out the country's world class farmland to IMF finance imperialists. Anti-imperialism is when you crawl towards the World Bank who has enslaved you with debt, the liberation struggle is good folks! :amber:

Overall the topic of the Ukrainian Radical Left has received only marginal attention within the academic literature with only one prominent academic writing about the Ukrainian Radical Left.

(academics) "You cannot differentiate /r/ChapoTrapHouse from /r/Neoliberal, they are the same, don't waste your valuable time"

looking at Ukrainian politics from a Western-centric perspective can be a disservice in understanding the current political dynamics. Fixed and western-centric understandings of terminologies such as ‘liberalism’, ‘nationalism’ and even political ideologies such as ‘anarchism’ are of limited analytical scope in the Ukrainian context

"Ukrainian exceptionalism" lol riiight. CIA color revolution student protestors who worked to overthrow their state for free markets have nothing to do with any of the hundreds of other coups composed of the same PMC dorks who did the exact same thing for the exact same reasons! Banana republics are the norm, in fact Ukraine is a vitally important agricultural site just like those countries with banana plantations.

I argue that political opportunity structures matter, internal dynamics within movements often are heavily influenced by activists’ individual perception of these political events

By depicting social networks and personal attitudes of activists between and within political fringe groups in Ukraine, this research combines an anthropological analysis with a political science perspective


revitalization of the historical Ukrainian tradition of National Socialism (not to be confused with the German type)

the "blood and soil" Azov nationalists we see today who romanticize Makhno as protecting their petite bourgeois small farms are totally different? To be fair he was the least cheugy reactionary, killing nazis and giving guns to Jews to resist pogroms :brace-cowboy:

In the article ‘Civil Society and the Weimar Republic’ scholar Sheri Berman convincingly argues that in the case of the Weimar Republic, an active flourishing civil society had a direct facilitating effect on the successful rise of the Nazis and actually contributed to the demise of the Weimar Republic

the strength of CS ultimately is viewed as the driving force behind the Soviet communist system’s collapse

Marx on the two faced nature of PMC civil workers: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1843/critique-hpr/ch03.htm

"The identity which he has constructed between civil society and the state is the identity of two hostile armies in which each soldier has the 'chance' to become through desertion a member of the other hostile army; and in this Hegel indeed correctly describes the present empirical state of affairs. "

The authors argue that historically the Eastern European region has been associated with anti-Soviet dissidence fighting an oppressive totalitarian system. However, ever since the collapse of the USSR this view of activism against totalitarianism does not hold true as the political systems of the regions have been increasingly modelled after western democracies

Woke punk rock rebels of the system: "It's oppression to ban menthols, we need to smash the state to achieve a free market utopia. Biden is a Stalinist authoritarian, those 40,000 black lives ended from unregulated corpo tobacco DON'T matter you racist! China's productivist state capitalism is cruel and monstrous for doing paternalist control of the black Uyghur body with their less addictive raw tobacco that isn't full of cancerous additives. Our heroic FBI sponsored McKinsey style stimulants for wage slaves who are hungry and tired at their job small consumer joys in a free market are true Marxist revolution, google Bookchin" :pete: :dsa:

  • BlueMagaChud [any]
    1 year ago

    the compatible "left" advocating for the conquest of bread price fixing