Their campaign page mentions nothing about housing other than he and his partner rent in the Mission area.
He and his partner rent in the Mission area.
That involves housing.
he has chinese characters next to his name, so that is at least one commonality!
He looks like the white guy who turned into a prawn in the movie District 9.
Oh you want it safer in San Fransisco? That's nice so I imagine you want to keep all these people without homes safe by housing them? And you want to keep civilians safe from a militarized police force by selling off their military hardware right? Oh and keep everyone in the city safe from the hazards of global warming by endorsing green initiatives increasing the number of train lines, tripling the number of train cars and making public transit free for all too. And also a free, safe supply of opiates too reduce fentanyl overdoses, keep the addicts safe and all.
It's so nice that we all agree that SF should be made safer.
ooh he's got the tough prefix, that's a +5 to defense with a flat 15 damage reduction when hit
There's 18,000 of these guys running for office in SF now, they're made in a Stanford lab funded by GrowSF
One day Jello turns on the tv and there's a Gap ad and it's using "Kill the Poor (clean)". He yells at the screen "Oh, East Bay Ray - you fucker!" To add insult to injury - his vocal has been removed and replaced by warbling, clean-sounding vocal surely done by a studio musician.
In the middle of Trump's presidency I had a look at East Bay Ray (@EastBayRay1). It was Lib City. It was stuff like this...
Peaceful protest people, violence only helps Trump. Like it helped elect Nixon in 1968. Chaos and fear gave them a huge campaign talking point
My next rpg/roguelike character is going to be Trevor Chandler.