It's actually really good from a cinematography and sound design perspective.

I get that it has totally incoherent lib politics but I actually really liked it.

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Storywise there’ve been better “Jornos are real fucked up sickos” movies. And I felt like, in terms of worldbuilding, Garland based the whole thing on Twitter factions. It’s a movie with Trump brain. There’s a slight scent of like, Resistance-era lib smugness. At the end of the movie


    A random soldier, I think it might’ve been a black woman, shoots Donald Trump in the heart. The movie feigns neutrality “oh, we’ve simply presented this image of a soldier executing an unarmed prisoner of war, you make up your own mind about that.” But I felt like what the movie wanted you to think was something like “wouldn’t it be a shame if things got this bad, but at least we killed the bad guy who was responsible for all the evils that played out here. It’s not a deeper issue with America, or the West, it’s just a small band of Fascists that want to wreck things and have also managed to seize all the levers of power.”

    But in terms of like, visual and auditory storytelling, top-notch film. I feel like my issues with the story are balanced out by my appreciation for how it was told, such that I don’t regret seeing it. Though it’s also not worth spending much more thought on than this. A picture that was a good watch but not good to reflect upon.