At engagements from 1-4 yards, people don't fucking miss that often.

Someone doesn't need to be a practiced marksman to make standard shots at that distance. Anyone can do it, which is what makes guns dangerous in the first place. Ware dumped his magazine into two "trained" guys at close range and they had no time to do anything.

Rittenhouse should have made it obvious, but just because someone is an unathletic nerd without motor skills doesn't mean they can't be dangerous.

Thus, chasing down or tackling a maniac with a gun is a context-specific action. Only worked in the Rittenhouse case because his back was turned.

Don't be stupid.

  • Reversi [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Like I said before, this is the imperial core. Any real or organized attempts to self-police communities or protect citizens will get torn apart--either externally or by saboteurs. The moment a vacuum shows up the wreckers and opportunists will get sent in.

    The point isn't that cops will feel bad or politicians will feel bad. The point is to make cops feel unwelcome and unwanted, to lower morale and make being a cop no longer prestigious. That every action they take will lead to funding cuts, to fingers being pointed around the station to find a fall guy, for politicians to start running on reining in the police, for kids to stop saying they want to be a cop when they grow up, for cops to be removed from school campuses, for ACAB and 1312 to show up in mainstream culture, for people to stop calling the police unless they absolutely have to.

    If they have a concrete enemy, they will destroy it, and they will have their sycophants ready to justify every last killing. The cops will never be 'sheepish' if the attack is directly against them.

    Be prepared to defend yourself, obviously. But this isn't about revolution or insurrection, this is about something much less complex that crosses ideological boundaries (albeit inconsistently).