Some consumers may choose veganism, or a pescatarian diet, but meat, eggs and milk, offer crucial sources of much-needed nutrients which cannot easily be obtained from plant-based foods, a new report issued on Tuesday by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization says.
i haven't taken a supplement since 2012 because i can't afford them
i just eat food that has the nutrients i need
Modern Western diet is so disastrous for health (and environment) but no one points that out when saying “a vegan diet is very difficult to make healthy. “
No, rice and beans, staple of billions of people for thousands of years, is less healthy than the current diet most westerners follow, apparently.
rice is weirdly expensive where i live, at least in bulk
so i just eat things that are cheap here most of the time
like carrots, peppers, pasta, tomatoes, so many beans, etc
I am so sorry. :meow-hug:
The staple diet between the agricultural and industrial revolution is not much healthier, if at all compared to the current western diet. You're making a reactionary argument that we did it in the past, therefore it is good.
The majority of people living in post-agricultural civilizations suffered some form of malnutrition. It was adequate in terms of calories, but micronutrient deficiency was very widespread.
My god. I’m not telling anyone to literally just eat rice and beans.