• RyanGosling [none/use name]
    30 days ago

    If she blew up the hospital full of bereaved mothers she would’ve gotten million dollar grant from Israel

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    30 days ago

    Here's her Instagram post. She was escorted out of the building by a plain clothes police officer.


    A Bluesky thread by somebody else

        • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
          30 days ago

          The worst job I ever worked, at a grocery store, did that to me the day I got fired, they made me work my whole shift then when I clocked out oh btw don't come in tomorrow.

          • Tiocfaidhcaisarla [he/him, comrade/them]
            30 days ago

            I came in to work 5 mins late when I worked at subway, worked the lunch rush, then they pulled me off and fired me. As I was writing a goodbye note to my coworkers I was told by the same manager I needed to leave IMMEDIATELY or she'd call the cops.

    • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
      30 days ago

      This is the "freedom and democracy" libs say you will lose if you don't vote for Biden.

  • pooh [she/her, any]
    30 days ago

    Surely the crowd complaining about “cancel culture” will say something about this… right?

  • Bloobish [comrade/them]
    30 days ago

    That's gonna be a hopefully lucrative wrongful termination lawsuit

    • Pentacat [he/him]
      30 days ago

      I hope so, but I’m not sure American case law applies to Zionist entities, sadly. “Israel” gets what it wants, and anyone who says a word that makes a Zionist uncomfortable—intentional or not—can lose everything in a minute.

      • Bloobish [comrade/them]
        30 days ago

        Not to direct Zionist entities but the hospital itself is part of the larger NYU academic hospital system, so there is a likelihood for this being some form of violation depending on how she wishes to pursue it.

  • JayTwo [any]
    30 days ago

    She didn't even call for divestment or say one of the claimed "slurs". She just mentioned being a Palestinian Muslim and called the genocide a genocide.

    Transcript below, OCR ripped from here
    The Instagram link at the very bottom is the entire speech.

    At NYU-Langone Hospital, after receiving the Sebastian Brun Compassionate Care Award for exemplifying compassionate care for patients and their families suffering a perinatal loss.

    Hesen Jabr:

    Good morning, everybody. It happens to be my birthday today so thank you for kicking it off in a beautiful way.

    I'm also not a professional speaker. So, I wrote a few things here from my heart.

    I just wanted to talk this moment to express my gratitude to my co-workers first and foremost, who nominated me for the award. Truthfully, it does belong to all the nurses on Labor who have held the hands of a grieving mother as she suffers one of the most devastating deviations from reality they could ever have imagined.

    The level of integrity, compassion, and humanity to be able to be present and comfort these patients as they navigate one of the most challenging times of their lives, is something that really can't be put into words.

    And, for that, I'm also grateful to my mother and my grandmothers who instilled these traits in me. To earnestly and sincerely want to care for these patients and alleviate their pain during the most difficult time of their lives.

    As a Palestinian-American Muslim woman in this country, I am proud to represent my mother's and my grandmothers' upbringing through our traditions and customs which oblige us to always hold space for warmth and compassion for all humans.

    It pains me to see the women from my country going through unimaginable losses themselves during the current genocide in Gaza. This award is deeply personal to me for those reasons. Even though I can't hold their hands and comfort them as they grieve their unborn children and the children they have lost during this genocide, I hope to keep making them proud as I keep representing them here at NYU.

    Thank you.

    [resounding applause]


  • JayTwo [any]
    30 days ago

    Looks like the NY Times is covering it now.
    Pretty surprised TBH.
    But hey, coverage is coverage.

    The hospital is trying to make it look like this is the last straw in a series of repeated incidents, but if she was on such thin ice why was she receiving an award for being an outstanding employee?

      • JayTwo [any]
        30 days ago

        Last year, on the opposite coast, a Democratic congressional candidate choked a 13 year old girl for writing "Free Gaza" on a sand dune with detritus, and it never made the news save for a couple local outlets. Literally two, a local am news radio station and the local alt weekly. And they gave it very wishy washy coverage but at least it was something. Eventually one local TV station ran it. But it never broke out of the local news ghetto, despite the guy being an out of town politician that had Democratic institutional support for a house run. Perhaps because of that.

        Speaking from a modicum of personal experience, NYC media outlets are gonna be even worse to the point where I don't even think there'd be a small outlet picking it up. Maaaayyybeee the village voice but even that isn't what it once was.

        (Edit: Giving it some further thought, WBAI might bite)

        Where the above story actually got big, but it took a couple months to build up steam, was social media, in particular TikTok.

    • PKMKII [none/use name]
      30 days ago

      I forwarded the thread to some local rags we’ll see if they pick it up