As a teen, there was a brief period where I thought that 5 Gum actually gave you full body hallucinations.

What about the rest of y'all? Any ads capture your imagination only to disappoint you? I mean more than usual.

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      1 year ago

      my first election was 2012, so i had a chance to see he was full of it by then, but in 2008 I genuinely thought Obama was gonna end the war on terror and close Gitmo lol

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        He got me in 2008 but I figured it out and didn't repeat my mistake. The murder of al-Awlaki is what truly, finally, completely broke any lingering illusions I had about the USA.

    • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I ended up casting my first presidential vote for Nader after Obama vowed to filibuster the bill that gave telecom companies legal immunity from their participation in Bush's warrantless wiretapping, then turned around and voted for it after getting a campaign donation from AT&T.

      Then I voted for Obama in 2012 :blob-no-thoughts: