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  • ComradeMikey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I worked in a place that was probably the most humane version of this and man it was soul crushing for me to have to enforce those rules. there was no abuse in my facility just draconian rules and coercion masked as treatment. they cant say any slang, cant be disrespectful, have a rigorous schedule, and were there under threat of being thrown in juvie. i quit in may and ive been so much happier since. I had some progress with some of the kids but overall the program wasn’t working for others. mind you these are 15-17 year olds mostly extremely impoverished or homeless. they got into crime to feed their families or got into drugs to cope. I loved those kids even if I was abused by them daily (understandably) I genuinely wanted to help them get out of the system. The propaganda i would have to shovel down their throats constantly was intense. luckily it wasn’t negative shit like brat camp and it was licensed professionals who trained and created the program. I myself only have a BA in psych so the staff on ground werent most qualified but better than it could be.

      • ComradeMikey [he/him]
        4 years ago

        honestly it makes me sick because you impose so much harm onto kids who have experienced ungodly things you cant imagine already. Even in the good facilities like mine you can see how miserable every day is and in the end they improve slightly or not at all. occasionally they have a real success but for every one of those theres 4 run aways or program failures. The one good thing is they BS the kids high school and literally just throw free HS credits at them. if they can get a diploma outa the program it can make a difference at least. i know it doesn’t make up for the bullshit done to them but it’s something that helps me sleep at night that SOME thing decent comes out sometimes.

          • ComradeMikey [he/him]
            4 years ago

            oh 100% agreed with everything!! It was very culty in their montras the way AA feels. honestly my program received a perfect score from accreditation and was probably one of the better ones and it was still monstrously dog shit. the kids would tel me at other similar residential programs would have psuedo fight pits and staff would pit kids against each other and bet on it. shit makes me sick