Permanently Deleted

      • BASED_BALL [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I mentioned this a lot and don't want to dox myself, I don't know much about what happened to that place. It was the reason why I became a racist as a teenager seeing the staff march around naked kids for no reason and the constant fights. The staff always tried to piss me off because they knew my psychological problems and triggers. One even said he'd take his gun and hunt me down myself if I got out. I was "allowed" to go to my mom's funeral and when I came back they immediately started going on about keeping me until I'm 19 (I was just barely a teenager at this point.)

  • MerryChristmas [any]
    4 years ago

    My dad constantly threatened to send me to one of these places for the heinous crime of... not always doing my homework on time?

  • InternetLefty [he/him]
    4 years ago

    That shit stayed with me all day yesterday after I read that web comic about the Elan school. It's really truly depraved what they're doing. It's torture

    • TillieNeuen [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I read as much as I could handle and stopped. Does the author ever talk about his life now? I guess he has some kind of stability if he has the wherewithal to undertake a project like that but I just kept wanting to ask him if he's OK now.

        • TillieNeuen [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I'm glad he's been able to move past it, at least to some degree. It's completely horrifying to think about trying to emotionally heal after experiencing torture like that.

    • quartz242 [she/her]M
      4 years ago

      Imagine being so craven you invenst in child abuse. Under capitalism everything is commodified even child abuse. Hell based social structure

        • quartz242 [she/her]M
          4 years ago

          I've mentioned it before but hurt core wouldnt exist outside of capitalism. Which is why an cap are scum.

          Good thread bringing more attention

            • quartz242 [she/her]M
              4 years ago

              Oh fuck I apologize I really should warn people and not assume everyone knows.

              My mom loved watching faces of death with me when I was an early teen which warped my sense of decency, that was around when b0g & 4chan started which continued that trend. One day you realize wow this is fucked up I'm participating in gore/snuff threads and I'm not even 18.

              Love to comrades, child abusers get to burn... in minecraft or whatever ppl say

    • Faentoller [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Bain capital is also the one that purposefully ruined Toys R Us to enrich their executives. They just hate kids I guess!

      Contrary to the popular narrative, the company did not go under because of online retail or more savvy competitors. It went under because Bain Capital, the private equity firm started by Mitt Romney, ran it into the ground, using its credit to pay Bain executives huge bonuses while not investing in competing with other retailers. (It’s a slightly more sophisticated version of the way organized crime “busts out” businesses.) Bain did the same thing with KB Toys;

  • MirrorMadness [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I had a friend who went through this. The day he told me I was completely stunned - we talked about it for three hours and I couldn't do anything else but research this as much as I could. He was put in a specific program when he was I think 16. In the middle of the night, a large man came into his house, bound and gagged him, and carried him to a van. He knew his parents were involved, because that night he said he saw their door was closed, and they never closed their door. He called them for help but they didn't come. The man brought him to the airport and flew with him to Missoula, where they got in a car and drove for hours, to the middle of nowhere. His parents paid for this.

    I don't remember how long he was there, but the camp was run by Mormons (he was not Mormon) and it was located near the Montana/Idaho border in the middle of nowhere. You couldn't run away because there was nowhere to run, no one to run to. None of the kids could drive. There was no sexual abuse that he knew of, but he couldn't do some basic things, like he wasn't allowed to sing. The imprisoned children were organized into teams that would earn points for good behavior, but the points and standings were so whimsical and irrational that everyone lost faith in the system - that there was no point to good behavior because whatever perk/standing gained was taken away for any small infraction.

    He escaped by staging a suicide attempt - he wasn't actually suicidal but thought if he made it look bad enough he could get out. After his attempt, he was hospitalized. He told the hospital workers what he had gone through, and they were like, yeah there's no way we're sending you back there, we'll call your parents. After he was released, a girl at that camp did kill herself.

    This organization ran I think 10-15 camps, including one in Jamaica where there was sexual abuse. Survivors have set up networks and forums that you can find online and read about their experience. One very common takeaway, common to many of the survivors of the camp, is that they now keep themselves within close proximity of a weapon in the event someone attempts to abduct them, and analyze rooms for items they can use to defend themselves. I'll never forget the day he told me because of how chilling and upsetting it was, that it was legal in the first place, that his parents paid for it, that there were no qualifications to run this or any public oversight. Just shepherding kids to fucking western Montana because...?

    edit: I hadn't listened to the TrueAnon ep when I posted this. The Jamaica camp I am thinking of was Tranquility Bay, which they discuss.

  • ComradeMikey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I worked in a place that was probably the most humane version of this and man it was soul crushing for me to have to enforce those rules. there was no abuse in my facility just draconian rules and coercion masked as treatment. they cant say any slang, cant be disrespectful, have a rigorous schedule, and were there under threat of being thrown in juvie. i quit in may and ive been so much happier since. I had some progress with some of the kids but overall the program wasn’t working for others. mind you these are 15-17 year olds mostly extremely impoverished or homeless. they got into crime to feed their families or got into drugs to cope. I loved those kids even if I was abused by them daily (understandably) I genuinely wanted to help them get out of the system. The propaganda i would have to shovel down their throats constantly was intense. luckily it wasn’t negative shit like brat camp and it was licensed professionals who trained and created the program. I myself only have a BA in psych so the staff on ground werent most qualified but better than it could be.

      • ComradeMikey [he/him]
        4 years ago

        honestly it makes me sick because you impose so much harm onto kids who have experienced ungodly things you cant imagine already. Even in the good facilities like mine you can see how miserable every day is and in the end they improve slightly or not at all. occasionally they have a real success but for every one of those theres 4 run aways or program failures. The one good thing is they BS the kids high school and literally just throw free HS credits at them. if they can get a diploma outa the program it can make a difference at least. i know it doesn’t make up for the bullshit done to them but it’s something that helps me sleep at night that SOME thing decent comes out sometimes.

          • ComradeMikey [he/him]
            4 years ago

            oh 100% agreed with everything!! It was very culty in their montras the way AA feels. honestly my program received a perfect score from accreditation and was probably one of the better ones and it was still monstrously dog shit. the kids would tel me at other similar residential programs would have psuedo fight pits and staff would pit kids against each other and bet on it. shit makes me sick

  • sappho [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I read a lot about these camps as a teenager because religious parents (like mine) tend to send queer kids (like me) there. I wanted to figure out how to escape if kidnapped, or, more realistically, how to preserve my psyche if I ended up there. My eventual conclusion was that - you really fucking can't, and I hope to God I never end up in a scenario like this. You have no legal protections as a minor and typically no one knows where you are so you are stuck there regardless of the outside support you've gotten. The only thing I learned is to never fucking leave the country because that's where the really bad ones are, those are the ones that will kill you for sure. They sometimes take you to a public airport and that's when you can get help, and you must, it's life or death.

      • sappho [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Not surprised, in one of the stories I read the kid was literally cuffed to one of the kidnappers and asking for help and airport security did not care. My plan was always to make a huge commotion, potentially start assaulting people. Would rather be in the custody of cops than these psychos.

  • reddit [any,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I recommend if you wanna see a fucked up firsthand account of the Elan School

      • altacus [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I found some

        • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Wait, that's not the same Robert Evans that swings wildly between doing good, actual journalism on the street in Portland and being a sectarian shithead on twitter, is it?

          • Superduperthx [he/him]
            4 years ago

            He's an anarchist and like a lot of anarchists can have foreign policy takes that many people feel flattens the nuance of various situations. I give him the benefit of the doubt considering how many places he's been to and watched shit pop off.

          • altacus [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            Yeah he did a load of personal experience stuff for Cracked, most of it is pretty good

  • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Yeah this whole thing is pretty messed up, this isn't to say that there aren't places out there that actually help the kids, but the regulations around these places are a fucking joke.

    There is an extent at which a parent thinks their kid is on the verge of killing themselves or others and the feel as if they have no other option. So then in come the grifters to take advantage of some parents absolute despairation.