• Adkml [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Yup saw a comment on reddit saying you might not like him on Palestine but if you like unions weed or green energy it was a no brainer.

    The person who pointed out that he personally broke a strike, weeds still federally illegal and were producing more oil than anybody ever got heavily downvoted.

    Democrats campaign message is literally "don't believe your lying eyes"

    • Dessa [she/her]
      1 month ago

      Democrats have bought-in fully on the notion that the Rail Strike was a tough-negotiated victory for the unions. They got a few days of sick pay! The rest is handwaved or forgotten

    • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
      1 month ago

      Nooo don't ruin my nice little box with the material reality! I already put him down as good on these issues, it doesn't matter what he's actually done for them!