We need to make TV great again by implementing the following:

  • At least one clip show episode per season
  • Heavy-handed anti-drug plots and messages, preferrably featuring gangs that look like they’re from The Warriors selling crack
  • “Very Special Episodes” about topical real-world issues like acid rain or stranger danger, ending with segments with the actors talking to the audience and making some kind of call to action
  • Episodes that are built entirely around stock footage from recycled old films that the studio or production company owns
  • Related to the last point, episodes that are built entirely around existing sets from the studio’s other productions, such as generic Western towns
  • daisy
    1 year ago

    As cringy as that episode is, I've always liked how Gates McFadden's face acting was front-and-centre, and on point. The scene where she's watching the two transport ship pilots get their fix really showcases her skills.