sorry but this sounds like :brainworms:
buddy is scared of chatGPT being an "alien intelligence"(alien as in foreign to humans, I dont mean he thinks its literally extraterrestrial tech)
fear of AI as an independent hostile intelligence is an easy rube flag, I'm tempted to bet money on this guy being into the Havana syndrome
I dabbled into ufology a bit and I think I remember this guy being into all kinds of wacky shit like remote viewing and such, I wouldn't really take anything he says seriously.
it's hilarious when you go into UFO forums and see the comments are like. "I'm normally a skeptic when it comes to UAPs, but the part where he said there is an underwater alien city in the mid Atlantic ridge that is sending psychic projections to world leaders using pure-energy drones gave me pause ; it would explain a lot."
The sad thing is that they cancelled Inside Job because the leadership plain didn't like it. The one guy fighting for it left the company. So they just cancelled it, even if that ends up costing them money since season 2 (3-4) was already budgeted.
"I'm usually a huge skeptic, but this light reflection in the clouds in Vegas, a city known for having a lot of lights, is really crazy, it's definitely an alien and not reflected light."
I pride myself on being a rational sceptic and critical of the US government, but I mean come on theres no way they would throw money at fringe concerns and pseudoscience for no reliable results or practical gains!
Absolute bollocks.
If one country had the technology of an alien race ww3 would have started over it because the reverse engineering potential of any such craft is simply too threatening to allow anyone to have.
Nobody has any such thing. This guy is a fruit.
Over here we also use it to describe anyone that's not all there but in a sort of friendly and not too demeaning way compared to other words.
more than like 5 patents is a red flag for a bullshit artist
Dr Nolan, a Professor of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine
Immediately disregard the opinion of any STEMlord talking outside of their field of expertise.
Except if you're writing a paper on the Dunning-Kruger hypothesis. In that case, enjoy your rich pool of data points.
Work in ufology and related fields
He was later approached by US intelligence officials and an aerospace corporation to "help them understand the medical harm that had come to some individuals, related to supposed interactions with an anomalous craft." ... he helped investigate the brains of around 100 patients, mostly "defense or governmental personnel or people working in the aerospace industry" ... The majority exhibited symptoms that were "basically identical to what's now called Havana syndrome"
I didn't read the article in the OP, and I don't have to read any more of his wiki page to be convinced that this man is a complete grifter.
The US can't even reverse engineer hypersonic missiles.
yall mf really posting articles?
(this is the cental website of all of Murdoch's australian newspapers - you've basically linked fox but unfiltered)
I think there's a difference between reading opposing viewpoints for little kernels of truth and believing even a single word on the aggregator site for all of Murdoch's News Corp tabloids in australia. I know it says it's Australia's Leading News Source, but it's genuinely on the same level as the National Enquirer or the Sun.
I don't know what your thing about the guardian is, I don't like them either. But that doesn't change the fact that you're trying to die on this hill defending a lifestyle article from an online tabloid, about a weirdo crank UFOlogist talking out his ass for the hundredth time.
This is not a critical, underreported story being brought to light in a conservative newspaper that we're smearing just because it's a conservative source. This is a story about a sad, lonely old man begging for attention and only getting it from clickbait farms. Touch some grass, comrade.
Hahaha I can't wait for them to start complaining about how the aliens are too sexy and twinkish :pingu-horny:
I want this to be real so that life seems less pointless, but AYYYY LMAO. 👾 👽
If sufficiently intelligent aliens exist so that they can actually get here than we humans would be comparable to insects, well bacteria actually.
yeah I mean obviously they need a new commodities market to combat the ever falling rate of profit withing interstellar capitalism
I've heard this argument a lot but I think it's just edgy nihilistic bullshit. First of all you don't have a basis to claim that we'd either be insects or near-equals to these beings since we have no clue how any alien society would work or how advanced societies can even get.
Secondly even if we were as insects to them that doesn't mean they wouldn't give a shit about what happens to us or at least Earth in general. Even in our shitty liberal societies we have dedicated conservationists that care a lot about "lower" life forms, imagine if the aliens had an actual communist society.
Nobody really knows how it would play out if it turns out we've had ET visitation but "ayys are so advanced and we're so dumb and stupid and insignificants" is a really shallow analysis.
Umm actually theres no aliens because general radahn used his magic to hold the stars