Whenever I see that I've received a reply here I get a little dopamine hit and I think "oh man, time to see what my fellow chapos think of what I've said!". This is even true when I've been arguing for veganism. Sure, there may be some disagreement, but it probably won't be super, dishearteningly nasty.

By contrast, every single time I see that orange envelope on reddit I tend to feel a little pang of anxiety and my first thought is always "oh fuck, what did I comment on again? Am I about to get some literal hate speech thrown my way?"

So yeah, thanks friends! Someday I may even ditch reddit for good because of you, and my life would be better for it.

  • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    yep pretty much. agreed on all counts. if someone told me the sky was literally falling because, fuck i dont know, green house gasses are now causing boil off of the upper atmosphere or something... i would not even be surprised, cause hell world gonna hell world.