“I am sick & disgusted by Roger Waters’ obsession to belittle and trivialize the Shoah & the sarcastic way in which he delights in trampling on the victims, systematically murdered by the Nazis,” [EU antisemitism envoy] von Schnurbein wrote. “In Germany. Enough is enough.”

yes this is still about him honoring a victim of the Israel's genocide alongside Anne Frank

archive link

  • Bobby_DROP_TABLES [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I feel like one the more insidious aspects of shit like this is that it gives a lot of ammo to actual antisemites who are always on about the "ZOG" and shit like that. Literally the US state department condemning an old musician because of obnoxious Eve Shartflow-type nerds on Twitter having meltdowns is exactly what chuds want to use as propaganda.