I got into a discussion with a cis woman recently about my gender dysphoria and she pointed out most of it is the same as the things she's uncomfortable about. And that got us onto the topic of body hair, deep voice, etc. And it feels just wholey wrong to say "gender dysphoria is internalized misogyny" but I can't put my finger on why. Or how they're linked or if they're not. Does someone have a more salient thought about this to help me on the right track? I've been tossing it around for days and I also can't find anything non terfy about it.

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    I also think it’s important to recognize that cis people do feel gender dysphoria, just not as often or intensely as trans people usually do. From everyday things that don’t line up with their own identity, but also if they’re directly confronted with it it becomes a lot more obvious.

    If you want to get a cis man to understand what gender dysphoria feels like, put him in a dress, high heels, and lipstick, he’ll understand what it means really quickly. If I felt the same way every time I looked in a mirror as I do wearing women’s clothes I’d put a bullet through my head.

    Which is also to say I love my trans comrades and I hope y’all can get all the support and care that you need :cat-trans: