I honestly feel like it is
But it probably boils down to finding some sort of specific uncorruptable personality type to be in charge
I think all the jobs would still get done if you had a rotating system where everyone does a certain job for a few years, everyone ends up shoveling a bit of shit for a while, but it's not too bad because it's not the rest of your life
Everyone is constantly happy because there's always something new to look forward to in a few years' time
worldwide 2-child policy and all men are vasectomied after fathering 2 children
It would involve multiple generations of undoing liberalism through a communist education system, building trust by taking care of everyone's basic needs, and giving people the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives by automating as much work as possible. Which is to say, no, absolutely not possible. Libs and fash will destroy the entire planet in nuclear hellfire before anything like that could ever be accomplished.