Also, Maddow is looking more and more like maybe-later-kiddo by the day

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    18 days ago

    All their fear mongering about Trump is imagining a scenario where America treats middle class white liberals like how America already treats immigrants, Palestinians, queer people, etc

    In fact most mainstream American political fears are just "what if white people became like black people"

    • NewLeaf
      18 days ago

      And yet they yell at leftists for being so comfortable, that we will not vote for biden-nibble and will usher in cheeto-man

    • LaughingLion [any, any]
      18 days ago

      reminds me that the worst fear of the capitalist class is that they might have to become workers themselves

    18 days ago

    You would think with how convinced they seem of this kind of doomsday scenario, that you'd see a lot of liberals organizing. I suspect they are enjoying the pretense of fighting an epic battle of good vs evil (where evil is thwarted by an election), but deep down they know that "nothing will fundamentally change" (at least as far as their treats are concerned).

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      18 days ago

      It's so disingenuous too. America already brutalizes huge masses of people and liberals don't care.

      • NewLeaf
        18 days ago

        Look how they cheered on the college protests getting smashed up. Or go on your local "overheard in _______ town" Facebook page and watch them braying for homeless peoples blood.

      • NewLeaf
        18 days ago

        And get permits!

    • NewLeaf
      18 days ago

      They really like the trappings of being revolutionary, but are all just hoping that Biden wins so they don't have to skip brunch.

        18 days ago

        Uh, I might also like those trappings... But I don't think they'll even skip brunch. Really they'll removed and moan about single issue (genocide) voters, and then idk... increase their monthly contributions to the DNC?

        • NewLeaf
          18 days ago

          That's about it.

          "Stand by to take the blame"

          -Zap Brannigan

    • footfaults [none/use name]
      18 days ago

      You would think with how convinced they seem of this kind of doomsday scenario, that you'd see a lot of liberals organizing.

      It's called vote

        18 days ago

        I get that. I meant that with the stakes so high, and the outcome so uncertain, that they might be thinking of a backup plan.

        • footfaults [none/use name]
          18 days ago

          The backup plan is to just fundraise like crazy off all the angry liberals who had their brunch interrupted and then do nothing.

          It worked in 2016

  • VHS [he/him]
    19 days ago

    Trump is going to lock up half the country who agree with him on 90% of politics?

    • NewLeaf
      19 days ago

      They are never mad when their money goes to fund a pied piper strategy.

  • MaxOS [he/him, any]
    19 days ago

    Rump is going to be dictator, dissolve the whole federal government and put white people in concentration camps on day 1. Wee need to vote !!!

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    18 days ago

    I don't think this is true, but it makes me imagine that they are going through a process in their head of a "We're Resisting fascism as effectively as possible; What do fascists do to their most effective Resisters?" type logic to act like they are on the front lines of a historic struggle for doing such acts of heroism as having a monthly subscription to ActBlue or whatever.

    • NewLeaf
      18 days ago

      At the end of the day, we are all just shit posting on the toilet.

      It's fun to sneer at libs with you all though!

  • Bnova [he/him]
    18 days ago

    Yeah that's exactly why I can't risk voting for Joe Brandon.

    • Jenniferrr [she/her, comrade/them]
      18 days ago

      Idk project 2025 does have me kinda worried as a trans woman. Like I'm making arrangements to GTFO if they do some kind of nationwide crackdown on HRT somehow (I sorta doubt this will happen but who knows)

    • NewLeaf
      18 days ago

      As if that's not how every administration wouldn't have been handled in our country. Well, except Biden. He's not a "get rid of all the fascists and install yesmen that work for me" type. The rest is just boilerplate Republican bullshit that libs will be supporting in ten years.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    18 days ago

    The solution is to rally for sanity or something. With guest appearances by celebrities, a merch table, and voter registration.

    • NewLeaf
      18 days ago

      Vote or die!

  • Pentacat [he/him]
    18 days ago

    You’d think they would support defunding the police if they actually believed this.

    • NewLeaf
      18 days ago

      Well, that would solve a problem, and you can't fundraise unless you're a victim.