On this day in 1950, the northern Korean People's Army crossed the 38th parallel in an offensive to crush the Republic of Korea, an imperialist puppet state established by the U.S., marking the beginning of the Korean War.

the Korean War of 1950-53 was fought between two states that both lay claim to all of the Korean Peninsula, the northern Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the southern Republic of Korea (ROK).

The ROK had been established by the occupying U.S. military government in 1948. In 1945, the same military government had banned the left-leaning People's Republic of Korea, which was based on a network of worker's committees whose program consisted of pro-labor reforms, such as the abolition of child labor and the eight hour day.

On June 25th, 1950, the DPRK People's Army crossed the 38th Parallel into ROK territory, intending to crush the state of U.S.-collaborationists. Two days later, the United Nations Security Council, then boycotted by the Soviet Union for not acknowledging the People's Republic of China (PRC), recommended member states provide military assistance to the Republic of Korea.

The conflict became a proxy war between global superpowers, with the DPRK supported by the Soviet Union and PRC and the ROK supported by the U.S. On July 27th, 1953 the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed, creating the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) to separate North and South Korea. Despite this, no peace treaty was ever signed and the two governments remain at war to this day.

The Korean War was among the most destructive conflicts of the modern era, with approximately 3 million war fatalities, 10% of the total Korean population, a larger proportional civilian death toll than both World War II and the Vietnam War according to historian Charles Armstrong.

The U.S. led a massive, scorched earth bombing campaign against North Korea, making North Korea one of the most heavily bombed countries in human history. Armstrong writes "U.S. planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea - that is, essentially on North Korea - including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theatre of World War II. It incurred the destruction of virtually all of Korea's major cities."

This campaign of destruction was essential to the success of U.S. intervention: American General Matthew Ridgway stated that, except for air power, "the war would have been over in 60 days with all Korea in Communist hands".

The Battle At Lake Changjin some-controversy

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  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    I don't remember how we got in to it, but I started going around and around with some lib friends - The M1A2 Abrahms is a bad tank because it can't cross rough terrain, it too heavy for almost all the bridges in the world, and has never been proven in actual combat. No, no they tell me, the Abrahms is actually a magic fucking unicorn that can piss holes in any other tank in the world! Look how good it is at killing tanks! Well, it was good at kill Iraqi T-62s, which were stripped down economy models with no modern technology or even up to date gun sights, in a war where the US had the then unique advantage of wide-spread night vision. They sure did shoot a lot of then 30 year old tanks that were the ford fiesta of armored vehicles! No, no, you see, it's so good, it's so perfect, it doesn't matter if it can't cross bridges, they'll just *use helicopters to lift them.

    Same thing with the navy. What are the navy's military accomplishments since WWII? Dropping missiles on civilian buildings and shooting pirates in aluminum boats. I guess they destroyed some ships in Vietnam and Korea. They built a magic destroyer with a magic gun. And the magic gun works, even though it doesn't have any ammo because the magic ammo costs one million dollars for each shot. But that's not the magic gun's fault, the magic gun is great!

    US Airforce? Hasn't had to deal with modern AA nets ever, as far as I know. All their magic stealth technology only exists on paper and has never been tried in a real combat zone.

    Artillery? Magic! It can go forever, it can do this, it can do that. It can do all kinds of things! It just, you know, can't make a difference in Ukraine.

    The US is so good at winning wars! Sure, it's lost every war since WWII with sorta-kinda the exception of the 1991 Gulf war, but there near perfect loss record isn't a measure of their combat success. You know why?

    It's the civilians fault! The US military could win so many wars! it could win all the wars! I can win every wars. Just, you know, not on earth. But in the misty realm of Platonic Ideals, which we are given the honor of glimpsing in to via the magic of American propaganda, the US Army definitely cannot be defeated! Why, if the US Army existed as an idealized version of itself not dependent on political leadership, logistics, or the support of the nation, it could punch god right in the nutsack! It just can't beat any army on earth, no matter how pathetically equipped or trained. But it's not their fault! It's the politicians! Sure, they sorta kinda failed to achieve our war aims in Iraq beyond installing a sketchy sorta-democracy that hates them and has mostly forced them out of the country, and their "victory" did sorta kind directly lead to the rise of ISIS, and their victory did destabilize the whole region and send millions of refugees fleeing in to their vassal states in Europe, but aside from that they definitely sure did win... something. Something immaterial, probably. A great triumph of the will or some shit. Maybe a trophy.

    They won in Afghanistan! They sure did install a new government! Infact that government has lasted for twenty years! Well, those twenty years ended literally the day after the US retreated, but that's not really a defeat! It's the politicians fault, or the American population's fault, or the Afhgan's fault. It's not the US's fault that the Taliban was in control of 100% of the country 24 hours after US forces retreated after 20 years of occupation.

    But the US will definitely win the war on China! Why would China go to war with the US? Well they'll invade Taiwan! Who said they'd do that? Well they did! Really? Where did they say they would invade the island that shares language and culture, (Formerly) open borders, and is one of their major trade partners, whom they have had de-facto piece with for 70 years. Well they did! Where? In the One-China policy that they share with Taiwan? In your fucking magic eight-ball? Did some sketchy guy with wings and a dollar store halo reveal it to you in a fucking dream? Well their whole military policy is geared towards invading Taiwan! And why is that? Is it because the US insists on turning Taiwan in to a fucking missile base, regardless of what anyone else wants? Oh they don't have to do that, they have Japan! But that doesn't mean they won't do it, does it? In fact isn't that what the US has been trying to do during this whole fucking conflict that the US started? Oh, well it doesn't matter anyway, because the US will win. How? How will the US win? Well we'll glass China of course! Oh, and what will you do about the second strike? Oh, don't worry, America has missile defense systems like Patriot! Really? The patriot system that kept defecting to the houthi's mid flight and slamming in to Riyahd? The Patriot system that hasn't been able to control the airspace in Ukraine? That's going to stop all the ICBMs? That system has successfully stopped and ICBM? Well, it hasn't ever stopped and ICBM, but it's stopped other ballistic missiles, which is exactly the same thing. So you think the US anti-missile defenses would protect America from a retaliatory second strike if it nukes one of the other nuclear powers? No, no, I didn't say that. America's missile systems couldn't stop a nuclear retaliation. Well if they can't stop a second strike, then why did you say we'd win?

    Just on and fucking on and fucking on. "America could have won, it just didn't win because the civilians didn't want to". Sounds like a fucking loss to me. "No no you see if the civilians wanted to they could win!" Okay but they didn't., They fucking lost. Again and again. Against smaller nations with vastly less material capability, even after murdering millions of people and flattening every city in the country. The lost. And then they lost hte next one. And the next one. And the next one.

    But it doesn't matter, because there's an explanation. it wasn't a real loss because of htis, or because of that, or because mercury was in gatoraid or because the vibe wasn't right or because the forgot to wear their lucky socks. It's definitely not because America, as a totality, as a system in the real world, is incapable of winning a war. It's not that. It's anything but the evidence right in front of our lies. We just have to trust all the public proclomations of the DoD and Raytheon and the Pentagon. We just have to have faith. We just have to believe in that shining city on a hill. We just have to know that America will win because it's America and America. Can't. Lose.

    Jesus fucking christ I want to pull my fucking hair out.

    I so, so, so want to see just one F-35 eat shit to an Igla from the 60s before I die. Just one. I will know joy pure and true seeing one of those fucking white elephant magic bullshit flying internet cafes eat shit. It could be a ZSU-23. It could be a fucking kite. I just want to see one of their magic invincible invisible wunderwaffen die. Pathetically. To something so far beneath the attention and dignity of the Americans that they didn't even bother to consider it, the way they never considered that you could stuff a cheap IR homing missile up an F-117s tail pipe if you were a fucking idiot and flew one low and slow through the same valley at the same time every night.

    • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Actually american weapons are an astounding success at achieving their primary objective (defense contractor investors need new mcmansions each holiday season)

    • meth_dragon [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      everything is just 1v1 whiteroom for these people, they wouldn't even comprehend an NGAD somehow taking a strela up its intake because that kind of thing only exists outside their cognitive comfort zone

      reality doesn't matter because metaphysical navel gazing about the latest iteration of goku vs saitama is better slop. the shadows are more entertaining than the cave, ergo the cave doesn't exist and you're a loser for implying that it might

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        I had another post that was like a three page breakdown of ways that I, an amateur outsider whose military experience extends to a lot of Total War and two gun-fights during which I wasn't armed or intentionally participating, could identify serious, SERIOUS problems with the F-35 platform, ranging from "They can only carry one third the ordinance of an F-16, meaning they'll need to fly three times as many sorties from the same ships and spaces despite requiring vastly more maintenance and upkeep" to "Lol plane has 8.6 million lines of code going back decades. I wonder what happens when the Pilots helmet suffers a hard crash to BSOD?" to "The US air force can only keep 2/3s of these notoriously delicate and finnicky planes operational during peacetime when there is no war placing stress on production and logistical supply chains" to "Huh, it says the helmet is heavier than a normal pilot's helmet. I wonder what that does to the pilot's neck when they have to look all over the goddamn place because they have a Valve Index strapped to their face and they have to fly three times as many sorties to drop the same bomb load?"

        The thing has so fucking many layers and layers and layers and layers of public, simple, not at all secret or related to spooky high tech stuff problem. And the US ain't got a good warfightin record no matter how much koolaid people drink. And this is the lynch-pin of their air-superiority for probably the next 30-50 years. And the vaunted "Stealth" technology only works in specific EM bands, while easy enough to see in other bands that you could probably wire a large learning model up to a bunch of different radar installations and have it look for F-35 shaped patterns in the data, making it's core defense and the justification for the whole stupid white elephant worthless. And radar as a whole has been getting better over time while the F-35 is as stealthy as it's ever likely to get. And it's entire utility in a near-peer conflict seems to be based on the priggish refusal of NATOids to even consider the idea that competitor anti-air systems could seriously threaten them.

        And if the F-35 is anything less than the miraculous wunderwaffen it's promised to be then NATO just... stalemates. They can't win without 100% air superiority because all their other weapon systems either don't work or have glaring problems that make them questionably useful at best. The Abrams can't cross most of the bridges in the world, drinks jet fuel, is expensive to repair, and can't survive hits from modern ATGMs anyway. Americas IFVs continue to suck just as they always have. All the magic artillery systems keep going wildly over budget, and unless something changed they can't even keep them fed in a limited proxy war against Russia. The Navy is a clownish mixture of antiques and hyper-tech systems that don't actually work, and those pesky Chinese diesel/electric subs keep penetrating their defense line while NATOids scream "ANTI SHIP MISSILES AREN'T REAL AND THEY CAN'T HURT ME!" AFAIK the US doesn't really have an answer to networked drone swarm warfare that seems like it's going to explode in to an arms race any day now. And the Army is in the process of replacing the proven M4 family, arguably one of the only US weapons that has actually seen extensive use against meaningful opposition in it's intended role, with new guns equipped with very cool, very expensive, very useful, very electronic and battery powered gun sights and equipment.

        Like each piece of the US army is really cool if you keep it in a climate controlled room and never expose it to anything that has any chance of all of actually hurting it, but the whole fucking system starts to look pretty fragile outside of that garage. All of NATO's combat successes are against people armed in most cases with pre-digital weaponry, and even then the badly outgunned and outsupplied peasants the US fights score the odd victory, sometimes using literal junk - The US army was barely able to hold the Green Zone for most of the Iraq war because people kept burying barrels full of explosives from old artillery shells under the roads. The IRA had been using the same tactics since the 1970s, the US's pet kingdom was able to study the tactics up close and very personally, and the US still had a terrible time coming up with effective defenses and counter measures. Now they can mostly protect themselves from IEDs most of the time, as long as they're IEDs built in garages using whatever can be scrounged locally. How are they going to do against loitering smart munitions cranked out of Chinese factories by the 10s of thousands?

        And, like, even numerically - What the fuck do NATOids expect to do to China without a general nuclear strike? They think that their paltry arsenal of bombs is somehow going to flatten the geographically massive country of China's industry? They think they could ever mobilize enough ground troops to occupy a meaningful part of a country with four times the population and a massive, massive, and from what I understand very proud and nationalistic populace? Like do they think that they're going to just take Beijing, install a KMT puppet, and call it a day?

        All this NATO masturbation seems centered on an obsessive need to believe that China will attack the ROC. That's the only scenario they seem to think about - the USA valiantly defending Taiwanese Microchips from Chinese aggression. Beyond that... what the hell do they think is going to happen? A couple of carriers are going to neturalize all the defenses across the entire Chinese coastline? Do they think a few dozen F-35s with paltry 5000lb bomb loads are going to bomb Chinese cities in to submission after decades and decades of proof that you can't win wars with air power? After the abject failures of the occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, where objectively pathetically equipped and trained Militias kept Americans running around in hopeless circles trying to gain some kind of meaningful control for decades, they think they're going to be able to occupy the worlds largest high tech economy? Literally with what fucking army? Do they think all 68 million of the notoriously unhealthy, unmotivated, hopeless, and hostile Zoomers are going to sign up to go die in Taiwan for the glory of Capitalism?

        I honestly don't know what the entire fuck they think will happen, because I don't see any way a weak country with military industry that is almost 100% corruption, two equally inept political factions that everyone hates, a demoralized, unmotivated, unhealthy, and impoverished population, an economy in the terminal phases of auto cannibalization, and a military absolutely reliant un grotesquely expensive unproven wunderwaffen is going to be fucking China in a war of aggression conducted across all of the fucking pacific in one direction and the entire rest of the world in the other, at a time when the enemy abso-fucking-lutely can engage in conventional weapon strikes against targets on the US mainland.

        Just that, the ability to drop conventional weapons on factories in the US with sub-meter precision, is unprecedented in history and should be seen as an enormous X-factor in any conflict with Russia. Have they even considered what the American public is going to do when interstate bridges getting blown up by ICBMs, or a missile takes out the last Cracker Barrel in the county?

        Also, lol, the PRC has apparently had 100 ICBM launchers, both static silos and vehicles, three years ago. Now they have 450 combined silos and vehicles. The US still has more nukes, though, don't worry, it's all gonna be okay, we're still going to win and be home in time for christmas!

        It's so fucking stupid. We look a lot more like the Nazis attacking the Soviets than the other way around, Except that the Chinese have vast advantages that the Soviets never dreamed of, starting with the goddamn pacific ocean.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          1 year ago

          If anything we (the USA) look more like the sclerotic, dishevelled USSR of 1991 trying to go to war with the USSR of 1946. An ancient empire facing collapse from both within and without trying to take down a strong rising power with one of if not the strongest economy in the world.

    • daisy
      1 year ago

      Artillery? Magic! It can go forever, it can do this, it can do that. It can do all kinds of things! It just, you know, can't make a difference in Ukraine.

      Hey, there's nothing wrong with the M777! It's an amazing piece of technology! Once the US starts mass-producing it using titanium which is mined primarily in checks note China and Russia and Ukraine... Oh. Oh...

    • mayo_cider [he/him]
      1 year ago

      But you don't understand, we won't have the quality control we need if every single 10mm bolt doesn't cost the price of a family car