I like to watch low-budget movies and laugh at the bad effects or acting, this is especially true for low-budget horror films.
I like to watch low-budget movies and laugh at the bad effects or acting, this is especially true for low-budget horror films.
I feel like the age of these movies is well over by now. Mystery Science Theater 3000 killed them, then the internet bludgeoned the corpse into unrecognizability. We all know what movies will come out and they are reviewed to death by status-seeking journalists. There are no more obscurities to unearth, no more dumb movies to laugh at. All we will get from now on is wink-and-a-nod "bad movies" like Snakes on a Plane.
Neil Breen is proof otherwise
you sure? movies are still hard to make, and there's definitely still people making them who don't know what they're doing.
Tommy Wiseau would like a word.
neoliberalism is about extracting new forms of value to gain social capital, like finding rare b-movies to show to your friends to impress them?
It has significantly more to do with the fact that movies are an industrial process made by committee favoring guaranteed massive returns and only allowing very few directors and writers in than it does to do with mst3k.