The film only opened with $130 million worldwide, which is less than the $139 million that the box office bomb The Flash managed to earn. Furthermore, the Indiana Jones sequel is said to have cost more than $300 million to make with marketing costs, while The Flash was estimated at $250 million. Either way, both films appear to be box office bombs, with the fifth Indiana Jones film making even less at the box office so far.

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I like Indiana Jones. I really do, it's one of those core archetypes for me when I think "fun" movie. He and James Bond are the precursors for all my favorite popcorn movie action heroes. I genuinely love that he is the blueprint for Nathan Drake in Uncharted. Indiana Jones rules.

    That said I can't for the life of me imagine anyone thinking we need another Indiana Jones especially after Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. In and of itself there is no narrative or creative push or need for this film to be. There is just no need (or desire to be honest) to see Harrison Ford put on the fedora one last time. It's rather sad to know that they ruined that opportunity in 2008.

    Unless your one of those FUNKO POP CONSUME NOSTALGIA nerds I can't see anyone really wanting to see this film. It's a shame they did this character dirty like this. It's somewhat sad that upcoming movie buffs and casual movies probably won't rock with Indy in the future. I think Indiana Jones films would have been better received and even more highly regard today if there was no Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull or Dial of Destiny. The Indiana Jones films will have less pop cultural impact overtime outside homages and stuff most likely. I think the filmmakers of tomorrow will probably still check out the movies but overall I don't think Indy will have as much staying power as other similar films.

    That said, I think it's totally okay to let art and media of a certain time and place to just be there. I like Indy, I'm glad Indy will live on as the sort of unseen foundation for the globe-trotting swashbuckling everyman hero. The DNA of that sort of fun action adventure film will live on, even if the popularity of the character does not.

    I do like Harrison Ford. I think he has some real acting chops and real charisma on screen. He's cool, and in his interviews he talks about acting in a way I feel a lot of people don't. He seems to still care about the art of storytelling and the human element.

    • i also love the older movies and wouldn't have minded a newer series with the character as like a legacy character

      just pull a james bond, make him a new guy but still the old guy punching nazis and stuff. i don't need to see grumpy old man harrison ford struggle with garbage scripts

      • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Agreed. Harrison Ford wasn’t the problem in the last two films, their scripts were awful. Ford’s performances in those films weren’t that bad, they were good performances in bad films if ya ask me

    • Yeat [he/him]
      1 year ago

      yeah despite crystal skull’s faults i think they wrapped up the character really nicely, the ending for this was just pointless in comparison