Serious question to anyone here well-versed in theory, history, and organizing. From all viewpoints (ML, Trot, Anarchist, MLM, etc).

I'm specifically talking about the US, but other perspectives welcome. From what I see, it's grim, but I don't want to lose hope. I was super excited by Bernie 2020 and the leadup to that (2018-2019) seemed like a super hopeful time. Trump was showing even dumb liberals how messed up the system was, deep to its core. There was a real movement with the Bernie thing, but we all know what happened. After that, COVID and the George Floyd protests showed us the true rot of the system, but the vaccine rollout and Biden's win really made most libs go back to brunch (ugh). Post Biden inaguration there's been some labor action, but it seems limited to little pockets here and there. Even big events like the East Palestine derailment only capture attention for maybe 2 weeks max. The media has really sharpened themselves in how to spin shit and selectively feed the public on what's "bad" (e.g. Russia) while ignoring other stuff (like the Indian farmer protests or even now what's going on in France). So I feel like we're in a valley right now instead of a peak.

On the other side of the world, COVID and things like the Ukraine shit really mobilized the Global South to try and get their shit together, which is great! But will it be enough when the west is pretty much willing to annihilate everyone just to hold on to power a little longer?

From what I see, all the issues we face today: discrimination, inequality, healthcare, science research, climate change, war, etc. all hinge on capitalism (I guess that's obvious but I still wanna get my words out).

Countries like China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc. are all charting out their path, and I suppose all we can do is critically support them. So my long-winded question boils down to this: What do we do in the US?

I know the answer will be something like "organize" but part of me thinks that there's more to it. Most organizing I see is small-scale stuff like helping people avoid eviction or food shelters or some other kind of mutual aid. Also some local political organizing. But there doesn't seem to be a "5 year plan" kind of thing. Maybe that's asking too much, but I guess I'll try to outline something (feel free to critique/add).

So I guess things can be divided into:

    1. Local (mutual aid, forming local parties, face-to-face education, e.g. panther style party)
    1. Electoral (national is hopeless, local is limited to city-council type stuff)
    1. PR (we're getting owned in the battle of ideas tbh, and idealistic as it sounds, youtube, reddit, forums, etc. play a role in educating people)
    1. International (leave AES countries alone, advocate for multipolarity even if some of the countries aren't exactly left-friendly, e.g. Russia) (also link up with overseas comrades)
    1. Individual (try to stay positive, exercise, diet, go on walks, link up with IRL people and have fun, educate yourself but also apply it, etc.)

As for other categories, I guess I'll just leave it up to others. There's so many fields (science, sociology, psychology, climate science, forestry, economic development, whatever...) that I guess I'm missing, but there's gotta be something. Anyone who's familiar how the Chinese 5-year plans work, feel free to suggest some kind of outline (and no, it doesn't need to be some kind of lame Elizabeth Warren "plan" just a broad overview of ideas is good for now).

Sorry for the rant, but I guess I feel that something needs to be done. Thanks for reading!

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    1 year ago

    This article has a decent overview with some references I've read and can recommend (unfortunately they generally require academic portal access.)