Serious question to anyone here well-versed in theory, history, and organizing. From all viewpoints (ML, Trot, Anarchist, MLM, etc).

I'm specifically talking about the US, but other perspectives welcome. From what I see, it's grim, but I don't want to lose hope. I was super excited by Bernie 2020 and the leadup to that (2018-2019) seemed like a super hopeful time. Trump was showing even dumb liberals how messed up the system was, deep to its core. There was a real movement with the Bernie thing, but we all know what happened. After that, COVID and the George Floyd protests showed us the true rot of the system, but the vaccine rollout and Biden's win really made most libs go back to brunch (ugh). Post Biden inaguration there's been some labor action, but it seems limited to little pockets here and there. Even big events like the East Palestine derailment only capture attention for maybe 2 weeks max. The media has really sharpened themselves in how to spin shit and selectively feed the public on what's "bad" (e.g. Russia) while ignoring other stuff (like the Indian farmer protests or even now what's going on in France). So I feel like we're in a valley right now instead of a peak.

On the other side of the world, COVID and things like the Ukraine shit really mobilized the Global South to try and get their shit together, which is great! But will it be enough when the west is pretty much willing to annihilate everyone just to hold on to power a little longer?

From what I see, all the issues we face today: discrimination, inequality, healthcare, science research, climate change, war, etc. all hinge on capitalism (I guess that's obvious but I still wanna get my words out).

Countries like China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc. are all charting out their path, and I suppose all we can do is critically support them. So my long-winded question boils down to this: What do we do in the US?

I know the answer will be something like "organize" but part of me thinks that there's more to it. Most organizing I see is small-scale stuff like helping people avoid eviction or food shelters or some other kind of mutual aid. Also some local political organizing. But there doesn't seem to be a "5 year plan" kind of thing. Maybe that's asking too much, but I guess I'll try to outline something (feel free to critique/add).

So I guess things can be divided into:

    1. Local (mutual aid, forming local parties, face-to-face education, e.g. panther style party)
    1. Electoral (national is hopeless, local is limited to city-council type stuff)
    1. PR (we're getting owned in the battle of ideas tbh, and idealistic as it sounds, youtube, reddit, forums, etc. play a role in educating people)
    1. International (leave AES countries alone, advocate for multipolarity even if some of the countries aren't exactly left-friendly, e.g. Russia) (also link up with overseas comrades)
    1. Individual (try to stay positive, exercise, diet, go on walks, link up with IRL people and have fun, educate yourself but also apply it, etc.)

As for other categories, I guess I'll just leave it up to others. There's so many fields (science, sociology, psychology, climate science, forestry, economic development, whatever...) that I guess I'm missing, but there's gotta be something. Anyone who's familiar how the Chinese 5-year plans work, feel free to suggest some kind of outline (and no, it doesn't need to be some kind of lame Elizabeth Warren "plan" just a broad overview of ideas is good for now).

Sorry for the rant, but I guess I feel that something needs to be done. Thanks for reading!

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Ah. What is to be done?

    Yes, we're in a lull for leftists, but it's at a higher level than 2017, which was at a higher level than 2014, which was at a higher level than 2009. Libs don't count, look at radicalisation and membership levels. So many more communists around now. things will radicalise again as the economy gets worse (bad for Biden) and the election draws closer. "This is the most important election ever" has more or less run its course as a slogan for dems.

    And yes, it is more likely the third world will supplant the west slowly, but revolution is possible in the core. Do you really think we're in a worse state than 1840, when a cop could just walk up and shoot any worker who tried to strike? When early Socialists were exiled and killed for just talking about Socialism? We have so much room to move, and implementing McCarthyist methods will take the state time.

    Things are not as bad as they look. This isn't 1993 or 1849 or 1906. We aren't all fleeing to China in a container or watching our friends give up the fight and dissolve their orgs. There's a lot of hope and a lot of promise.

    So What Is To Be Done?

    Making a rigid 5 year plan for revolution and leading by a Vanguard Party isn't Marxist. It's utopian and Blanquist.

    The strategy is to organise, train, grow and agitate while waiting for conditions to turn towards crisis again. Small fights do this and that's why they're important. I keep pointing out that in 1903 the RSDLP had 5000 members. In 1905 they played an important secondary role. In 1917 they ruled Russia. A small disciplined cadre that can insert into the masses and turn their concerns into a political program is key. It is the only method that has ever worked, going back to the Levellers.

    Union work is and always should be central. Even a failed national strike, like the rail one, will radicalise. In fact, learning how to radicalise via the failure of moderate efforts is a key tool left orgs need to learn. If you're not agitating in the workplace, the mutual aid, protests, book club etc don't do much. The Labour movement is the central pillar, which is why all the laws are against it.

    Also, these heightened contradictions don't make the news. You may feel strikes are not organised but in the USA labour activism is at it's highest since the 1930s. Also, the PR battle isn't as one sided as you might think, most people I know might have some brainworms about Mr Beast or something but are otherwise angry, frustrated, and ready to break shit if given proper political direction. The mainstream media has low viewership and the streamer crowd is too fragmented to obtain message control over.

    Which is the job of your org (You do belong to an Org, right?)

    Finally, mutual aid, unions, city councils, the occasional succdem senator etc help by setting up seeds of what will become dual power institutions as the State looses the ability to do things, either due to agitation in a crisis or simply due to capitalist collapse.

    So much to do, but none of it is exciting and clearly directed, none of it is certain, and much will turn out to be useless. But it must be done.

    • bidenicecream
      1 year ago

      🥲 You're so full of hope, I love it 🥲

      A small disciplined cadre that can insert into the masses and turn their concerns into a political program is key. It is the only method that has ever worked, going back to the Levellers.

      Any resources on the Levellers?

      In fact, learning how to radicalise via the failure of moderate efforts is a key tool left orgs need to learn. If you're not agitating in the workplace, the mutual aid, protests, book club etc don't do much.

      Let's hope 🤞

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        1 year ago

        This article has a decent overview with some references I've read and can recommend (unfortunately they generally require academic portal access.)

  • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Socialism isn't losing the battle of ideas, it's just capitalists saying that over and over.

    You don't call it socialism and most boomers even get on board in my experience

    • machiabelly [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Everyone who isn't a little freak is down with socialism. But then the media tells them that socialism is bad. Now they are socialists no longer.

    • invo_rt [he/him]
      1 year ago

      You don't call it socialism and most boomers even get on board in my experience

      This. I was forced into a political debate at a family thing with a chud yesterday and got them to agree to the labor theory of value without naming it.

      • bidenicecream
        1 year ago

        Yeah but then once you tell them that what you're talking about is socialism they'll just go NPC mode and say "Vuvuzela Cuba CHINA!!!!"

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      1 year ago

      "Workplace Democracy" might just be the most popular take it is possible to have. Sure it is a bit Lassalian, but radicalising people from that position is a whole lot easier.

    • bidenicecream
      1 year ago

      You don't call it socialism and most boomers even get on board in my experience

      Yeah but the problem is that as soon as you get to something concrete you're gonna have to venture into "socialism." And even mentioning a social democrat like Bernie will immediately turn them into NPC mode with all the propaganda that's been drilled into their heads.... And it'll backfire if they figure out that you've been trying to "hide your power level" so to speak because it'll be more evidence of "sneaky communists trying to trick everyone with their post-modern neo-marxism"

      • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I'm just saying there's a difference between losing a propaganda war and an idea war.

        The propaganda war is a given considering capitalists own every bit of the media.

  • booty [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Basically just do local mutual aid and organizing and wait for the collapse of the US. We can't cause it, but we'll need to be ready when it happens. There is, to be clear, no path to communism in the US as it stands. A lot of things completely out of our control will have to change first. So all we can do is prepare for if and when those things do change.

    • tagen
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
    1 year ago

    you more or less listed out what a bunch of parties are, generally speaking, doing. key problem that is usually run into is the many kind of 'lacking's, i.e lacking money, time, coordination, planning, communication, teamwork, etc so on and so forth. those lackings go quite literally up and down all levels of political organizations as quite a lot of the issues comes from a lack of experiences and a lack of skills that comes necessary for all the shit that comes from building and running an organization. These usually can be sorted out by growing the collective pool of bodies that contribute actively to whatever work's needed or designated and by gaining experience over time through active participation in whatever work's needed or designated.

    In regards to 5 year plans, those are primarily relating to economic planning. Now this doesn't necessarily mean you got to own a factory or run a state in order to make a 5 year plan. An organization can create a 5 year plan with the goal of increasing member employment in designated key industrial sections for the purposes of integrating and radicalizing. Something I believe the Wobblies call 'salting'. Further plans are more for larger groups as they have more to be able to execute tasks set by the plan.


    I know the answer will be something like "organize"

    • Awoo [she/her]
      1 year ago

      key problem that is usually run into is the many kind of 'lacking's, i.e lacking money, time, coordination, planning, communication, teamwork, etc so on and so forth. those lackings go quite literally up and down all levels of political organizations as quite a lot of the issues comes from a lack of experiences and a lack of skills that comes necessary for all the shit that comes from building and running an organization

      I'm actually somewhat with Wolff on this. The issue you're pointing out here is costs almost all the time. The cost of a fulltime revolutionary, or the cost of resources that those fulltime revolutionaries need. The solution to this is economic and it must come from either companies that will give money to the socialist movement because they see it as opposing their enemies or from a centralised proletarian headquarters (like a socialist country). Wolff's belief is that coops in competition with traditional capitalist companies would feed resources into socialists as they would see it as in their interests to (essentially lobbying and political donations in favour of politics that would help coops). I see merit in this, but there is a big question mark over the "when?" that this will reach a critical mass to occur.

      If it's not coming from coops then the only options I see are criminal or hoping it will come from China eventually.

      • meth_dragon [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        the only options I see are criminal

        socialist hedge fund managers, damn that is some deep fucking cover

      • bidenicecream
        1 year ago

        Completely forgot about co-ops. Makes sense that Wolff really pushes those, as they are a relatively easy sell for your average person ("the workers should control the workplace"). But yeah they're still at a huge disadvantage because they won't take drastic measures like normal companies do to ruthlessly cut costs and increase profits, which means that they'll need some kind of support to stay afloat.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          1 year ago

          Even if he turns out to be wrong about coops he's still on the right track with the problem being an economic one, solving it is about creating the conditions where someone gives money to leftist orgs. I'm inclined to think it needs to be someone like China, but I don't know if they are willing to flex their economic muscle internationally the way the US has all these years. I hope so. Even just small amounts (comparatively to the bourgeoisie) could have monumental effects in terms of what leftist orgs can achieve given the shoestring that current things are being achieved through.

          There is another alternative and it's that the money comes directly from unions. But it could be some time before the union movement is large enough to flex like that.

  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    1 year ago

    How do you wanna make a 5-year-plan in today's world? 5 years ago nobody knew what a coronavirus or who George Floyd was and Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine yet, all of which could easily turn any plan into ash.

  • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
    1 year ago

    There is no single plan. Different orgs and individuals have their own strategies and ideas, which is often why those orgs exist at all: they think the best thing to be doing is, say, doing mutual aid while teaching theory, or doing party building (where everything else they do is just a way to build the party), or helping form unions, or bashing fash.

    In addition, orgs are small and rarely have influence beyond the city level. They are also usually disorganized, full of pointless infighting, and an incredibly frequent tendency to create sexual harassment and assault and then fuck up responding to it. There is often no project to jump into or point others to. This leaves one option: creating that space and work yourself. Easier said than done, but also the only option.

    The only way to solidly answer your question is for yoi to read theory and history, formulate an understanding that you feel solid in, and then do praxis based on that. For example, if you think a lib-to-left pipeline is most important because we need mass in order to resist the onslaughts, you might spend your efforts on baby leftist spaces. On the other hand, if you think settlers in the imperial core lack revolutionary potential and will be overall lethally dangerous to you, you might hide your beliefs, funnel money to AES/parties overseas, and do some hardcore direct actions.

    You can jump right in and do organizing before the reading, of course. Just prepare yourself for the possibility that you will substantially change your opinions and come to believe that your organizing was pointless or even counterproductive.

    IMO getting experience with labor organizing, pro-trans organizing, or tenants' rights organizing will not be anything you regret, so those are good options.

    Finally, returning to the question: there is no plan. The left in the US is anemic, frequently ignorant and reinforcing of oppressions, fractured, and generally reacting rather than being proactive. If you think there should be a plan, you will probably prefer a commie org, but even that can be a crapshoot (popular frontism with CPUSA, reacting to e.g. Trump by supporting vote).

  • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Number 5 is the only thing you can do as an individual. That is what will prepare you to undertake Number 1: being able to help your neighbours, and plant the seeds for your community working collectively instead of in opposition to one another.

    In the absence of those two things, your efforts don't amount to jack shit. At best you're joining a socialist book club with some LARP aspirations. At worst, you're keeping some feds employed.

  • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Latching onto here, because I have been in doomer mode for months, just muttering to myself that "the fash win as always".

    • bidenicecream
      1 year ago

      Unfortunately this site is mostly terminally online losers who will never do anything. There are a few thoughtful responses but honestly I was expecting more, as this was an effort post for me.

      Just look at the engagement with this post compared to other posts about: color theory, axe body spray, random poo poo pee pee posts, etc, etc...

      "Hey any tips on how to do something instead of despair?"

      "No, but check out my random post about how anime/body spray/(insert anything I personally don't like) is TOTAL ANATHEMA TO SOCIALISM AND WHEN THE REVOLUTION HAPPENS I'LL GUILLOTINE ANYONE WHO DOES THAT THING!"

  • yastreb
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • bidenicecream
      1 year ago

      I thought you had a good comment, why'd you delete it?