If Hillary Clinton showed up to the function dressed like Sun Ra and lectured me about voting I would fully dissociate.


  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    13 дней назад

    This is just her still blaming voter turnout for losing to cheeto-man

    • Hestia [comrade/them, she/her]
      13 дней назад

      "If you had voted harder, I would've been president"

      Well now I'm gonna not vote even harder now

    • Egon [they/them]
      13 дней назад

      Hunger Games villain attire. Sci-fi that's an extremely hamfisted metaphor villain attire. Disney when they made gay people villains villain attire. Mattress seller attire. Pro wrestler heel that tries to cop Ric Flairs attire attire.

  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    13 дней назад

    I'd yell at her for being a Kahanaist shill and genocide supporter.

    Free Palestine, motherfucker palestine-heart

  • Pentacat [he/him]
    13 дней назад

    HillDawg belting out “nuclear war. It’s a motherfucker” would really be something.

  • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
    13 дней назад

    She's right. Could you imagine if a Republican had been president the last 4 years? It would have been at least 10,000 times worse. Maybe even 40,000 times.

  • Juiceyb [any]
    13 дней назад

    Shit. I haven't even heard about this even on reddit-logo . The only two people who would give a shit about this are maybe-later-kiddo and frothingfash

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    13 дней назад

    Can they just run her already for fucks sake, they know they want to

  • Wertheimer [any]
    13 дней назад

    Oh we sing this song to

    A great tomorrow

    Oh we sing this song to

    Abolish sorrow