It took me more than half a year after realizing I was trans because I was thinking that since I barely had gender dysphoria, my life might be happier living as male and cis presenting than losing all that privilege and transitioning

Of course, the dysphoria got worse exponentially after realizing and that was no longer an option

I feel kinda dumb for thinking I might've been an exception since it seems like this happens to every trans person that used to not have that much dysphoria

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    1 year ago

    wow i am going through this myself exactly.

    i'm just not ready and afraid to actually pull the trigger and do it. i have some IRL people i can talk to about where to go but my life situation is so precarious.

    congrats though and really happy for you! hopefully i'll make a similiar post in the near future trans-heart

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Honestly I'd recommend you to just do it. From what I've heard from other trans people, none of them, including me, were close to being ready or prepared. We just all eventually had to do it as treatment rather than a desire

      Thanks for the love cat-trans

  • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]M
    1 year ago

    congrats and good luck!! cat-trans

    im in kinda the same boat— i bought estrogen in like January and im just waiting bc i wanna start bica first and get liver labs. its so exciting and nerve wracking but im happy and i hope its fulfilling for you too!

    this is a great resource for feminizing hrt, specifically methods of estrogen therapy. fair warning, the owner of this group is an anti-communist but she has great knowledge of the topic. she promotes estrogen monotherapy, but researching different hrt methods can help you get the results ur looking for. i chose to use bica (bicalutamide, an anti androgen) in addition to estrogen bc theres evidence bica helps retain penis size/function and stimulates breast growth. also using an anti androgen can help keep ur E levels at what you want

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Thanks for the resource!

      I hope your experience with bicalutamide goes well! I'm sure you already know about the liver toxicity risks since you're waiting on liver labs

  • Washburn [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Deciding that you're going to transition, whatever that means to you, is as big of a thing as recognizing and accepting that you're trans.

    I sat around for a long time thinking the same thing; sure, I don't love being a guy, but it's hard being trans. Maybe I could just live with it, and be a useful ally to Real Trans People™

    But starting HRT has made such a difference, I know it was the right step for me.

    Super happy for you, and I hope that transition helps you find joy trans-heart

    • Kuori [she/her]
      1 year ago

      be a useful ally to Real Trans People™

      ohnoes i'm glad we all go through this thought process

  • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Congratulations!!! cat-trans trans-ferret trans-hatch transshork-happy

    It took me somewhat longer than a year and a half from realizing I was trans to starting e, so don't worry about it. The thing was, it took me a while on e to realize just how bad things had been before. Like if you had asked me about dysphoria before I started, I might have thought like you did, that it was something that got worse the year or so before. But actually, I think I was very dysphoric for many, many years, like since puberty probably, and I was so used to the pain that it didn't fully register anymore, but still made my life shitty. But now I'm free! Things just keep getting better in my life because I don't have that weighing me down anymore. I hope you have the same experience!