live-tucker-reaction heartbreaking

REBECCA FRIEDRICHS (GUEST): We should look to the past. So, let's just take the free lunch program that we have in our schools. It started out being pushed by the unions and their friends for poor children. Well, 28 years ago, I had two students in my class on free lunch. Today almost every single child is on free breakfast and free lunch. So what the unions are trying to do, they've pushing something called community schools. And in these community schools, we're giving children free health care, we're are giving them free food, free emotional support, and by the way free political indoctrination for their parents. And so, if these unions and their friends, their politicians, get their way, they would like our schools to be open 24/7. They want to replace the family and families raising their children with our own virtues, they want to replace that with the state. With union-controlled government-run schools. That's dangerous. That's communism when you think about it.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    Christian Fascists have no meaningful connection to any historical Christian tradition. They're more or less a new religious movement that started the US in the 1800s. The fundamental premise was that you didn't need to read the bible to know what Jesus wanted. So it's solipsism + ambient American calvinism + proud ignorance + American Fascism, all under one ruth. A real, true religion of evil with no redeeming features. Hell, they barely have any theology.

    • DoubleShot [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I’m reading a book right now that mentions just how absolutely savage white settlers were on the American frontier. I mean, they make the army at the time look saintly by comparison. No concerns at all about slaughtering indigenous men, women, and children just so they could be yeoman farmers living the dream. Honestly I might even put them ahead of some of these present day settlers in Palestine just in terms of sheer evilness.

      Then I had a thought. These are the same people who essentially founded the modern day evangelical movement in the US. Evangelicals today are both the literal and figurative descendants of the monsters who genocided an entire people so they can get a little slice of that pie. Their morals haven’t improved at all in 2 centuries.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        Straight up - From the book of Mathew: "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit."

        Their own book (admittedly they neither read nor are they interested in scholarship or theology) condemns them endlessly for their bullshit.

        • DoubleShot [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I was raised evangelical. A big reason I deconverted was I started taking the idea of “faith without works is dead” very seriously. Except, within the evangelical framework there isn’t really a way to do “good works”, even though it’s right there in the Bible. Evangelical churches and groups don’t offer any programs to genuinely help the poor and needy. You can try and organize things yourself but no one’s gonna help you. And if you dare start talking about “social justice” enough your fellow Christians will get real suspicious that you might be one of those “liberals” and start shutting you out. The whole system is designed to discourage you from doing actual good things so I couldn’t figure out how I was supposed to do “good works”. Could not be happier to be out.

          • Florn [they/them]
            1 year ago

            You start looking to hammer things out and get your beliefs in order only to find out that everyone around you treats everything that could be good or beautiful about your religion with scorn

            • Goblinmancer [any]
              1 year ago

              Nazis got their inspiration of generalplan ost and "living spaces" from America Manifest Destiny.