This is such a stupid lie. Only an absolute dullard could come up with this.
Only an absolute dullard could come up with this.
Now think about the people who would believe it
I love how the article starts, too. Yes, this blatant lie is true. Yes, this absolutely implausible, completely deranged claim, is real.
I'm very happy that this kind of insane bullshit is legally protected. I love capitalist free speech.
And lo God said to Abraham: “Take your
son, your only son, Isaac, landlords whom youlovedespise and go to the region ofMoriahBeijing. Sacrificehimthem there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”If I were in a Minecraft server where the creative mode admin told me to do that to the other player characters in the roleplay server, then it wouldn't be a test of faith at all - I'd be creative mode admin's strongest soldier. I'd be like the doom guy
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our
trespassesdebts, as we also forgivethose who trespass against usour debtors.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
both are pretty fair readings of the passage and you're supposed to do both
Look at who the author of the article is:
Republican Mike Gallagher represents Wisconsin’s Eighth Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives where he serves as chairman of the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party.
lol, published as an opinion article as “I don’t need to cite sources” and none of the links actually go to sources.
None of the links lead to anywhere, this is hysterical
This is amazing and we should have a bunch of selected passages with funny agitprop edits
literally the worst CPC policy is the continued toleration of foreign evangelical missions.
For real, there were an evangelical yank couple in Wuhan like a decade ago that were there teaching English at one of the universities and would hand out Christian children's books to these young adult Chinese university students. The students knew it, the other English faculty knew it (a Kiwi, a different American couple, and even the other American Christian, all disliked the couple). They thought they were saving the souls of the poor godless Chinese by having extra, optional study sessions that just so happen to be like youth pastor reading material. Got upset some of the other teachers wanted to have a Halloween party with the faculty/students.
Good times.
Nobody else in history has ever tampered with scripture, especially not slaveowners who made bibles for their slaves edited to omit anything articulating freedom or a desire therefore and emphasize servility
where is the problem? it's not like the Americans read the bible or actually practice what they preach
Hey, as long as they haven't touched Genisis 1:29 you know what I'm saying? Blaze it up! 😎🌿💨👽🛸✝️
trying to explain ideology to an american
Okay, so, imagine a bible...