• SweetCheeks [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Mommy is pleased. she now has no further use for you, you're really just a plaything for her, subject to all her whims. maybe if you're an obedient slave to her she will grace you with her feet occasionally. much like a dog you will perform tricks, if you do as she demands she will reward you with an old sock that has sadly already lost much of its scent, but has retained just barely enough of it to throw you into an erotic daze. every time you emerge out of it your obedience to your mistress rises, very soon you don't remember ever not serving aoc with every fiber of your existence. her aroma has made it deep into your memories. you can't feel arousal anymore without subconsciously feeling her soft, wonderful feet on your face, hearing the subtle sound of fabric rubbing against itself and on your body. any faint smell that is in the air, your brain instantly amplifies it and turns it into the intense sensation of aoc's sweaty foot smell gently, yet with force blessing your face and nose. whenever you have aoc's feet right next to you, you have to exert keen control to not cum hands free. you are salivating and dripping with wetness. keenly you await the orders of your mistress, you have been conditioned to follow them, almost reflexively, but you have no recollection of executing her commands. with a single cue she will make you cum hands free, there is nothing you could possibly do about it.