
The government has tried various incentives to help entice families to have children over the past decade, but a number of factors, including expensive housing prices, education costs and long working hours, have made young people reluctant to start families and have babies.

Yoon outlined three main areas focused on balancing work and life, improving child care and providing better housing to address the complex issues.

The measures include increasing parental leave allowances and extending leave for fathers, aiming to raise the usage rate of paternity leave from the current 6.8 percent to 50 percent during Yoon's term.

They also include implementing flexible work hours, extending the age limit for reduced working hours for parents of young children and providing subsidies for employers who hire temporary replacements for employees on parental leave.

Imagine doing capitalism so well you have to revert to socdemery

  • Infamousblt [any]
    13 days ago

    Holy shit just don't work your people to death and they'll find time to fuck it is LITERALLY THAT EASY

    • huf [he/him]
      12 days ago

      they even have a korea next door they could copy policies from...

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      12 days ago

      porky-scared-flipped: "What do you MEAN humans aren't livestock? What kind of decadent attitude is this? I just want to toughen humanity up, I'm SAVING us from DECADENCE! Weak men create hard times you know!"