Like, the planet is gonna be uninhabitable???

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    Having just come from yelling at a bunch of climate bloomers, they think we're going to tech our way out with carbon capture and that the US and EU are going to switch to renewables in some way, and we're going to plant trees. They think the system can still save them.

    I despise "Hope". Hope is waiting for someone to save you. Hope is not making plans because someone else will figure it out. Hope is sitting back and waiting for death. Hope isn't action, it's not praxis, it's not revolution. It's complacency, and unearned surety that something will magically appear and make everything alright. Hope is for people who have already given up. Hope is for people who see no future. Hope is death.

    • Beaver [he/him]
      1 year ago

      they think we're going to tech our way out with carbon capture

      "We don't have to do anything, the scientists and engineers will work their asses off to solve this problem that we caused by not listening to them in the first place"


      • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
        1 year ago

        It's logic like that that makes me laugh when people call leftists "lazy".

        Want to know who's lazy? Comfortable, privileged people in the global north who can't be bothered to think about the consequences of their actions. They're absolute philistines that care for little beyond their own pleasure, and while it's cool that some people to innovate solutions. It gets these smuglords to point and say "see, they will clean up after me! Now let me consooooooom in peace!"