That's the struggle session for the day

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    First of all terrible comparison. A more apt one would be living in Trumps house and being an active member of his household, receiving information from Trump that forms your perception of Biden then dunking on Biden.

    If you criticise a socialist or anti-imperialist country whilst you live in the beating heart of imperialism what are you trying to accomplish?

    Most socialists in the West acknowledge they are heavily propagandised. Everyone knows Corbyn wasn't a Czech spy or an antisemite.

    Everyone knows they tried to tarnish the anti-semitic label on Bernie too.

    Everyone knows that Antifa are not going to rise up for a revolution any day now like the right wing press bleat about.

    Why do people then feel they are receiving good information on a country they know nothing about... like Dprk or China or Iran or whatever?

    Communists criticise actually existing socialism all the time

    Here's two of the best ML journals compiling resources on critiques of AES where you can find articles and entire books criticising the nature and aspects of Actually Existing Socialism

      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        For just a brief look behind the curtain at who is feeding information back to you regarding China lets take the New York Times

        Now NYT are more respectable. They're not the tabloid shitmongery that you see declaring Princess Diana an alien

        Yet take a look at what the NYT reporter for Hong Kong does

        An NY Times reporter in HK has as his background photo the anglo-french navies amassing in the bay of Hong Kong before sailing up to destroy Beijing and start Chinas century of humiliation

        2nd one whilst I started typing

        A "faceless commentator on Hong Kong protests" called Kong Tsung-gan turned out to be a white rat called Brian Kern. Yet he was the darling of Western media and was even photographed talking to the chief editor of AP news

        Western media's favorite 'Hong Kong activist' is US regime-changer in yellowface

        These are the "respectable" journalists giving you news on China

      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
        4 years ago


        Like a give a shit about that guy. As far as I can tell he didn't like the fact that I called Anarchists useless for supporting the neoliberal/fascist revolutionaries in a thread documenting the neolib/fascist character of the Belarus protests

        He messaged me the next day and I literally said "you having nothing good to say about proletarian heros who moved mountains and I only have insults for you. Have a nice day and all the best"

        Then I get pinged with that.

        Imagine thinking about an internet conversation from 3 days ago and accusing me of creating alts and talking to him on discord when I've never used discord because i hate instant chatrooms.

        Just fuck off cracker - we obviously have nothing nice to say to each other.