Governments everywhere are going with the new definition of anti-government protest: "It is only a good protest if you are doing it alone, quietly and on your private property". Unless you are doing BDS, then even just quietly not buying a product can be a crime.
Yeah this is remarkably short-sighted on their part. It's not like anyone has ever been radicalized in prison, right?
For every armed revolutionary shot to death, along with even a civilian sympathizer, many more come to fill in that role.
And in the same breath Westerners will talk about "based tank man" blocking tanks in China during Tianamen and how China is bad
Remember how 3 year prison sentences are handed out to that, while people poisoning the atmosphere walk free, the companies get subsidies, the banks crashing the system, the CumEx people defrauding billions walk free.
And bosses who exploit workers and ignore labour laws and bust unions.
The that liberals had about courts being The Good Guys ™ is fascinating.
dating back to peterloo? what? the massacre where none of those responsible were ever punished, but the protestors sure were? and then there were further crackdowns on any kind of protest/assembly?
that's gonna be your precedent for english courts taking the side of the people?!
this is like the us libs whining breathlessly that keeping kids in cages is not the america they remember, what has trump done?!
Peterloo is the example he's using of British courts being on the side of protesters?
The bootlicking blue checks lol. This system has put the worst of humanity in my line of sight time and time again.
even just quietly not buying a product can be a crime
...what? Is this a real thing or just hyperbole
The British establishment wants to make BDS illegal but I don't really know how they'd enforce it
Shit like this is what got William Crawshay II besieged in his dumbass castle/mansion.
Are conservatives really so dumb as to think protests just naturally got more peaceful? Cracking down on even the mildest protest isn't gonna get rid of protests, it's gonna give them ha' penny strike 2.