You don’t get to bitch and moan about le evil Soviet Empire when you’ve been an enthusiastic collaborator of the American Empire since the Warsaw Pact collapsed.

All the while, it’s an advanced level of tone deaf to be talking about how evil the Soviets were to the countries whose independence movements were greatly bolstered by Soviet aid.


  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I will NEVER forgive the Soviet imperialists for brutally taking all our homeless and impoverished people and giving them jobs and livelihoods and homes. Every single one of the people who received a betterment of conditions over the 20th century due to Soviet imperial fascism is a victim of communism, and everybody who died in the extremely bloody fall where the Soviets sent their armies to subjugate the nations trying to break away will be heroically remembered as... hang on, I'm getting a voice in my ear. The fall of the USSR wasn't bloody at all? In fact almost all the deaths and impoverishing happened in the decade afterwards due to western capitalists pillaging and destroying the communist structures?

    Ah, well, nevertheless, at least the people who lived under the USSR remember it for its absolute brutality and how freedoms were crushed, the only people who remember and adore the USSR are young tankies like you guys, who... hang on, getting another voice in my headpiece. 84% of people over the age of 55 regret the dissolution of the USSR? What the hell? Okay, uh, actually all those people are uh, brainwashed. They wouldn't have been brainwashed if they disliked the USSR and agreed with me, obviously, because my viewpoint is the only possible correct one, but as they disagree with me then they're brainwashed.