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  • EvilCorgi [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Are yall gullible motherfuckers really pretending that a bunch of corrupt middle eastern states are only not denouncing China because it's not happening, and not because China is a major economic partner over whom they have little leverage and so they'll support China whether it's happening or not?

    Like wow yea, Saudi Arabia is really known for their genuine commitment to the Muslim people of the world and for their undying honesty and integrity in international affairs

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      ok but its literally every middle eastern state that isnt doing that. youre telling me not even turkey isn't? they're geopolitically opposed to china and iran. theres like 50 muslim majority countries in the world and not a one has denounced china. you think all muslim countries are corrupt to the point of averting their eyes at the slaughter of their own brothers and sisters?

      • EvilCorgi [they/them]
        4 years ago

        You think they aren't?

        I don't think you know a lot about these states if you think they aren't just hedging their bets. To paraphrase David Graeber "Demanding your own state in that part of the world is basically the same as demanding to be tortured by a secret policeman who speaks your own language"

        • kristina [she/her]
          4 years ago

          ok so youre saying that 50 muslim countries are all incredibly corrupt to the point that theyre OK with genocide of people culturally similar to them. so do you think NATO is the least corrupt entity on the planet considering the fact that theyre the only ones recognizing this as a genocide?

          • EvilCorgi [they/them]
            4 years ago

            No, because NATO would be saying it's a genocide either way too. NATO is just as corrupt, they're doing the exact same thing, fucking obviously

            Jfc this is like a "oh you think Trump is a war criminal? Well guess what SO WAS OBAMA" tier argument.

            All I'm saying is that if your argument is "it's not happening because all these muslim states say it isn't" then that's really fucking stupid. We wouldn't trust these states if they said anything else whatsoever, we certainly wouldn't be having this discussion if they all said it was happening, because people are starting with the notion of "China good" and looking for anything that can confirm that

            • kristina [she/her]
              4 years ago

              lol. youre just talking in circles at me at this point. i think we're done here.

              • EvilCorgi [they/them]
                4 years ago

                Go back to Reddit nerd stop being such a wimp ass debate geek