



  • queermunist she/
    2 months ago

    This reveals, I think, that joining the CPUSA to agitate within the org is not a viable strategy. They'll just liquidate you.

    Not even the AFL-CIA liquidates union locals for standing with Palestinians. Imagine being worse than the labor aristocracy!

      2 months ago

      Up until now i had always operated under the impression that CPUSA is like the unions: bad leadership, good rank and file and worth for revolutionaries to work inside as Lenin advised. But as you point out even unions don't go this far in enforcing pro-liberal discipline so i'm beginning to question the usefulness of staying in the party if it means you have to bend the knee to these horrendous lines that the party has adopted. At this point why not just go over to PSL or one of the other smaller but more genuinely revolutionary, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist groups.

      2 months ago

      Not even the AFL-CIA

      It matters not whether the AFL-CIA acronym was intentional or a typo, that is just too perfect a comment.

    2 months ago

    I'm trying really hard not to paint them with an overly broad brush and am open to nuance on it, but if this is the kind of shit they can pull at the leadership level, then I don't see much hope for them as an org. It comes across to me like the majority leadership views it as a vehicle for accruing dem votes that is meant to actually block anything further than that, rather than anything resembling a revolutionary org.

  • tripartitegraph [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    Lol seeing CPUSA members on Twitter retweeting Kamala and the fucking Lincoln Project for Christ’s sake. They’re never beating the allegations.
    Also seeing them dismiss this entire thing because the liquidated chapter had no black members. Which is a fair criticism, but is hilarious that they avoid all the other valid points. I’ve seen this a lot from CPUSA people on Twitter when there’s any criticism of the party. It’s always the form of the critique that makes the substance not worth addressing. Doesn’t really instill confidence in your party

    2 months ago

    CPUSA out here making the Communist Party of Japan look good, so thanks for that I guess...?

    I haven't kept up with them and knew they had some soc-dem trends, but I didn't think they had sunk so low, honestly. At what point did they just get assimilated into the establishment party? I don't recall them always being this reactionary.

  • Amerikan
    2 months ago

    "Accused of Black Nationalism".

    But I'm supposed to think CPUSA ISN'T worthy of top-to-bottom condemnation? I'm supposed to think these hard-c crackers have any chance of being any kind of allies? I said it once, I'll say it again; I'll say it until my teeth are broken, until my throat is shredded, until my lungs can't push air anymore:

    Death. To. CPUSA.

    • Barx [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      And is actually democratic.

      Most times I've seen Western leftists try out demcent it immediately collapses into an insular central committee (sometimes with another name) that decides it now has virtually dictatorial power because they were elected by membership and it turns out there are no real rules and nobody is organized enough to fight them.

        2 months ago

        This is probably because western leftists lack organizational experience (given how much previous successful western left-wing orgs were destroyed or coopted)

  • CoolerOpposide [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Because CPUSA removes any member or chapter, including white people, for being nationalist, right? dean-smile

    Right? dean-frown

  • TyMan210 [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    I can't remember, isn't this the chapter that JT is a member of? I wonder if we'll see anything about it from him

  • The only reason I have a modicum of faith is that JT Chapman aka Second Thought is a member of the CPUSA and is attempting to go up the ranks of the party. They are THE official communist party and have so much history that it’s a shame to give up on it if possible. He’s proven many times that he’s not afraid to stick his neck out even if he risks everything by being so public about his beliefs.

    • Barx [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      I think it's something like 4-5 years until there will be any chance to kick out the old guard again. There was already a reform movement and they ate shit 1-2 months ago.

      I have no sense that JT can organize at all outside of creating media. I didn't hear anything from him about the reform movement though I wasn't paying that close of attention to his stuff around then.