Fuckers ignored the entire unhcr report except for the birth rate decline graph and now, mostly for my own insanity, i'm trying to find demographics numbers from '22 and '23. Looks like the west just completely lost interest, i'm struggling to find anything from the last two years. Anyone got numbers? What little i've seen has been a pretty wild range from ~10, which would be fairly normal, to around ~6, which if accurate would suggest something drastic had happened. But, like, every goddamn article is Zenz bullshit from '21 so idfk. Need some help.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    2 months ago

    You have a lot more patience than me. Bless you. My go to line is "there's literally zero non-Western institution that claims any sort of human rights issue, and zero Muslim country that has made any claim".

    You know this, but anything from Zenz is garbage. I'll just attack him as a person and point out a few of his ridiculous statements. Trying to argue against everything he says is an uphill battle.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 months ago

      It's so fucking frustrating. "Oh, look, a tiny shit stained nugget of actual information... let's see, who is the source?" And it's always fucking Zenz or an NED front.

      Just, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!